
v1.0 2015-08-25 09:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 22:29:29 UTC



Laravel translator allow you to easy translate your website using different drivers like File, Database and others.


You can use the composer package manager to install. From console run:

  $ php composer.phar require parfumix/laravel-translator "v1.0"

or add to your composer.json file

"parfumix/laravel-translator": "v1.0"

You have to publish package files using

  $ php artisan vendor:publish


To register package you have to follow standart procedure registering serviceProvider class .Open your configuration file located in config/app.php and search for array of providers:

  'providers' => [
        // Add that line at the end of array ..

##Basic usage

Before using translator you have to publish your configuration file and select driver which you want to use

  $ php artisan vendor:publish
# here will be set up default driver .
default_driver: file

After all that you just have to use :

 __($key, $replacement, $locale = null) // will translate your key based on default selected driver. Locale will grab automaticly from localization component.

###Extending You can register own translator drivers which have will have custom business logic . But for the first register it in your configuration file

    class: Namespace\To\My\Driver
    option1: value1
    option2: value2
    class: Translator\Drivers\Database
    cache_time: 60
    class: Translator\Drivers\File

and create you class which implelement Translatable interface:


namespace My\Namespace;

use Translator\Driver;
use Translator\Translatable;

class MyDriver extends Driver implements Translatable {

    // Get translation by key .
    public function get($key, $replacement = array(), $locale = null);

    // Check if has translation by key .
    public function has($key, $locale = null);
    // Delete translation by key .
    public function delete($key, $group, $locale = null);
    // Save your translation to source .
    public function translate($key, $translation, $locale = null);
