parfaitementweb / wordpress-starter-theme
- parfaitementweb/wordpress-starter-core: 1.1.*
- wpackagist-plugin/classic-editor: ^1.3
This Wordpress starter theme is built with Modern PHP development practises in mind.
This starter theme is based on the file structure and only includes an additional and optional set of tools to ease your development. You can and will still develop your theme as any other basic Wordpress Theme.
The theme includes out-of-the-box
- Composer
- Laravel Views Blade
- Controllers
- Laravel Mix
- Custom Gutenberg Blocks using ACF Blocks
- Laravel Collections
- Strings Helpers
- Tailwind CSS
Execute the following commands:
cd wp-content/themes
composer create-project parfaitementweb/wordpress-starter-theme
cd yourtemplatename
npm install
npm run watch
# Build your assets for production using
# npm run production
# Read more about Laravel Mix on their official documentation.
Default Wordpress templates files (such as index.php, page.php, etc.) are now your Controllers. Define in them all the logic for the specified template.
How to use
The Wordpress template file should not directly return HTML or PHP code.
You should a call our core library using
$core = new Parfaitement\Core;
. This is going to intantiate an object with a lot of the common functions we need across the site. -
Return your Laravel Blade using the
$core->render($view, $data)
is the name of the view (without.blade.php
is an array of variables you want to pass to the view.Views are saved under the resources/views folder.
The $core
variable offers additional features:
- Access The Laravel HTTP Request using
It's useful for retrieving input with$core->request->input('name')
by exemple. - Inject specific a CSS file for this template only using
- Inject specific a JS file for this template only using
Blade views *.blade.php
are stored under the resources/views
folder and are parsed using the Laravel Blade template engine.
All assets are stored in the resources/assets
folder. Normally as follow:
- resources/assets/images
- resources/assets/js
- resources/assets/sass
Assets are compiled using Laravel Mix. Laravel Mix is a clean layer on top of webpack to make the 80% use case laughably simple to execute.
Out-of-the box, it includes:
- Minification & Compression
- JS with ES2017, Vue Support, Hot Replacement
- CSS Preprocessors. LESS, SASS, Stylus & PostCss
- Browsersync
- Cache-busting (Automatic versioning)
CSS files are processed using POSTCSS by default.
We've added support for the mix()
helper for cache-busting from within your template.
When using $core->include_style()
or $core->include_script()
in your controllers, your scripts ans styles will be automatically cache-busted.
Linking to assets from templates
Link your assets (images, icon, ...) using our custom asset()
<img src="{{ asset('/images/logo.png') }}" />`
Tailwind CSS
This theme comes with Tailwind CSS, an utility-CSS framework pre-installed. You can still remove it form the package.json
dependencies and edit the CSS style as you like.
CSS files are processed using POSTCSS by default.
Custom Form can be handle this way:
In your page.php
$validator = $core->validation->make(
'name' => 'required',
// other rules
if ($validator->fails()) {
$errors = $validator->errors();
$data = [
'errors' => $errors
$core->render('page', $data);
In your page.blade.php
@if (isset($errors) && $errors->any())
<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
@foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
<form action="{{ site_url() }}/wp-admin/admin-post.php" method="post">
<?php wp_nonce_field('contact_form') ?>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="contact_form">
<input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Your Name">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
In app/ContactForm/php
namespace App;
class ContactForm
public function __construct()
add_action('admin_post_nopriv_contact_form', [$this, 'handle_contact_form']);
add_action('admin_post_contact_form', [$this, 'handle_contact_form']);
function handle_contact_form()
if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], 'contact_form')) {
$redirect = add_query_arg('form', 'success', site_url('contact'));
Add this in your functions.php
under Custom Functions section.
$contactForm = new \App\ContactForm();
Our core had support for Laravel Validation.
Here is below a list of additional helpers you can use anywhere in your theme.
We added support for Laravel Collections.
Arrays & Strings
You can use any Arrays & Objects and Strings Laravel Helper listed here:
Dump & Die
We've also add support for the famous dd()
("dump and die") helper function. This function dumps the variables using dump() and immediately ends the execution of the script (using exit).
Custom Theme Functions
All PHP Class files placed under the /app
folder will be autoloaded and accessible throughout your theme files. Use them for a convienent and testable place to store your custom logic.
namespace App;
class Custom
public function get_articles()
return [
'article' => 'foo',
'title' => 'bar'
## Usage
$custom = new \App\Custom();
$articles = $custom->get_articles();
Classic Editor
The Classic Editor plugin is included in the Composer dependencies. Using this command todownload and install it in your Wordpress default plugins folder.
You still need to manually activate the plugin in the Plugins page.
composer install
Gutenberg ACF Blocks
This starter theme supports ACF Blocks for easy Gutenberg Block creation. Please read the ACF Blocks Documentation to learn how to proceed.
In this theme, the blocks are registered in the inc/acf-blocks.php
file. Views for the blocks are rendered from the /resources/views/blocks
The Blocks views does not support Laravel Balde synthax. Regular PHP is needed.
Cleaner Wordpress
We've included several classes to offer a cleaner version of Wordpress by default.
You can enable or disable any of them by copying the .env.example
configuration file at the root of your theme folder to .env
and customize its content with the following options:
Option | Default | Description |
DISABLE_COMMENTS | true | Disables all comments features |
DISABLE_EMOJIS | true | Disables emojis scripts |
DISABLE_GENERATOR | true | Removes Generator meta tag |
DISABLE_GUTENBERG_BLOCK | true | Removes Block Library scripts |
DISABLE_OEMBED | true | Disable oEmebed scripts |
HIDE_FRONTEND_TOOLBAR | true | Hides the admin toolbar on front and hides the option in the Profile Options page. |
HIDE_FRONTPAGE_ADMIN_ATTRS | true | Hides the page attributes in the admin when editing the frontpage. |
ADD_SLUG_BODY_CLASS | true | Add the current slug to the body classes list. |