pandadoc / php-client
The Official PandaDoc PHP client SDK
Installs: 110 765
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 11
Watchers: 2
Forks: 3
Open Issues: 0
- php: ^7.3 || ^8.0
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.3
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^1.7 || ^2.0
PandaDoc SDK spans a broad range of functionality to help you build incredible documents automation experiences inside your product.
PHP 7.3 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, use
composer require pandadoc/php-client
or add the following to composer.json
{ "require": { "pandadoc/php-client": "6.2.0" } }
Then run composer install
Getting Started
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); # Defining the host is optional and defaults to # See Configuration.php for a list of all supported configuration parameters. $apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY'; $config = PandaDoc\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration() ->setApiKey('Authorization', $apiKey) ->setApiKeyPrefix('Authorization', 'API-Key'); $apiInstance = new PandaDoc\Client\Api\TemplatesApi( // If you want to use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); try { $result = $apiInstance->listTemplates(); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling TemplatesApi->listTemplates: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; }
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- read+write: Use
to create, send, delete, and download documents, andread
to view templates and document details.
Official PandaDoc public API docs
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
APILogsApi | detailsLog | GET /public/v1/logs/{id} | Details API Log |
APILogsApi | listLogs | GET /public/v1/logs | List API Log |
ContactsApi | createContact | POST /public/v1/contacts | Create contact |
ContactsApi | deleteContact | DELETE /public/v1/contacts/{id} | Delete contact by id |
ContactsApi | detailsContact | GET /public/v1/contacts/{id} | Get contact details by id |
ContactsApi | listContacts | GET /public/v1/contacts | List contacts |
ContactsApi | updateContact | PATCH /public/v1/contacts/{id} | Update contact by id |
ContentLibraryItemsApi | detailsContentLibraryItem | GET /public/v1/content-library-items/{id}/details | Details Content Library Item |
ContentLibraryItemsApi | listContentLibraryItems | GET /public/v1/content-library-items | List Content Library Item |
DocumentAttachmentsApi | createDocumentAttachment | POST /public/v1/documents/{id}/attachments | Document Attachment Create |
DocumentAttachmentsApi | deleteDocumentAttachment | DELETE /public/v1/documents/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} | Document Attachment Delete |
DocumentAttachmentsApi | detailsDocumentAttachment | GET /public/v1/documents/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} | Document Attachment Details |
DocumentAttachmentsApi | downloadDocumentAttachment | GET /public/v1/documents/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/download | Document Attachment Download |
DocumentAttachmentsApi | listDocumentAttachments | GET /public/v1/documents/{id}/attachments | Document Attachment List |
DocumentRecipientsApi | addDocumentRecipient | POST /public/v1/documents/{id}/recipients | Add Document Recipient |
DocumentRecipientsApi | deleteDocumentRecipient | DELETE /public/v1/documents/{id}/recipients/{recipient_id} | Delete Document Recipient |
DocumentRecipientsApi | editDocumentRecipient | PATCH /public/v1/documents/{id}/recipients/recipient/{recipient_id} | Edit Document Recipient |
DocumentRecipientsApi | reassignDocumentRecipient | POST /public/v1/documents/{id}/recipients/{recipient_id}/reassign | Reassign Document Recipient |
DocumentsApi | changeDocumentStatus | PATCH /public/v1/documents/{id}/status | Document status change |
DocumentsApi | createDocument | POST /public/v1/documents | Create document |
DocumentsApi | createDocumentLink | POST /public/v1/documents/{id}/session | Create a Document Link |
DocumentsApi | createLinkedObject | POST /public/v1/documents/{id}/linked-objects | Create Linked Object |
DocumentsApi | deleteDocument | DELETE /public/v1/documents/{id} | Delete document by id |
DocumentsApi | deleteLinkedObject | DELETE /public/v1/documents/{id}/linked-objects/{linked_object_id} | Delete Linked Object |
DocumentsApi | detailsDocument | GET /public/v1/documents/{id}/details | Document details |
DocumentsApi | documentMoveToFolder | POST /public/v1/documents/{id}/move-to-folder/{folder_id} | Document move to folder |
DocumentsApi | downloadDocument | GET /public/v1/documents/{id}/download | Document download |
DocumentsApi | downloadProtectedDocument | GET /public/v1/documents/{id}/download-protected | Download document protected |
DocumentsApi | listDocuments | GET /public/v1/documents | List documents |
DocumentsApi | listLinkedObjects | GET /public/v1/documents/{id}/linked-objects | List Linked Objects |
DocumentsApi | sendDocument | POST /public/v1/documents/{id}/send | Send Document |
DocumentsApi | statusDocument | GET /public/v1/documents/{id} | Document status |
DocumentsApi | transferAllDocumentsOwnership | PATCH /public/v1/documents/ownership | Transfer all documents ownership |
DocumentsApi | transferDocumentOwnership | PATCH /public/v1/documents/{id}/ownership | Update document ownership |
DocumentsApi | updateDocument | PATCH /public/v1/documents/{id} | Update Document only in the draft status |
FoldersAPIApi | createDocumentFolder | POST /public/v1/documents/folders | Create Documents Folder |
FoldersAPIApi | createTemplateFolder | POST /public/v1/templates/folders | Create Templates Folder |
FoldersAPIApi | listDocumentFolders | GET /public/v1/documents/folders | List Documents Folders |
FoldersAPIApi | listTemplateFolders | GET /public/v1/templates/folders | List Templates Folders |
FoldersAPIApi | renameDocumentFolder | PUT /public/v1/documents/folders/{id} | Rename Documents Folder |
FoldersAPIApi | renameTemplateFolder | PUT /public/v1/templates/folders/{id} | Rename Templates Folder |
FormsApi | listForm | GET /public/v1/forms | Forms |
MembersApi | detailsCurrentMember | GET /public/v1/members/current | Current member details |
MembersApi | detailsMember | GET /public/v1/members/{id} | Member details |
MembersApi | listMembers | GET /public/v1/members | List members |
OAuth20AuthenticationApi | accessToken | POST /oauth2/access_token | Create/Refresh Access Token |
QuotesApi | quoteUpdate | PUT /public/v1/documents/{document_id}/quotes/{quote_id} | Quote update |
SectionsApi | listSections | GET /public/v1/documents/{document_id}/sections | List sections |
SectionsApi | sectionDetails | GET /public/v1/documents/{document_id}/sections/uploads/{upload_id} | Section details |
SectionsApi | sectionInfo | GET /public/v1/documents/{document_id}/sections/{section_id} | Section Info |
SectionsApi | uploadSection | POST /public/v1/documents/{document_id}/sections/uploads | Upload section |
TemplatesApi | deleteTemplate | DELETE /public/v1/templates/{id} | Delete Template |
TemplatesApi | detailsTemplate | GET /public/v1/templates/{id}/details | Details Template |
TemplatesApi | listTemplates | GET /public/v1/templates | List Templates |
UserAndWorkspaceManagementApi | addMember | POST /public/v1/workspaces/{workspace_id}/members | Add member |
UserAndWorkspaceManagementApi | createUser | POST /public/v1/users | Create User |
UserAndWorkspaceManagementApi | createWorkspace | POST /public/v1/workspaces | Create Workspace |
WebhookEventsApi | detailsWebhookEvent | GET /public/v1/webhook-events/{id} | Get webhook event by uuid |
WebhookEventsApi | listWebhookEvent | GET /public/v1/webhook-events | Get webhook event page |
WebhookSubscriptionsApi | createWebhookSubscription | POST /public/v1/webhook-subscriptions | Create webhook subscription |
WebhookSubscriptionsApi | deleteWebhookSubscription | DELETE /public/v1/webhook-subscriptions/{id} | Delete webhook subscription |
WebhookSubscriptionsApi | detailsWebhookSubscription | GET /public/v1/webhook-subscriptions/{id} | Get webhook subscription by uuid |
WebhookSubscriptionsApi | listWebhookSubscriptions | GET /public/v1/webhook-subscriptions | Get all webhook subscriptions |
WebhookSubscriptionsApi | updateWebhookSubscription | PATCH /public/v1/webhook-subscriptions/{id} | Update webhook subscription |
WebhookSubscriptionsApi | updateWebhookSubscriptionSharedKey | PATCH /public/v1/webhook-subscriptions/{id}/shared-key | Regenerate webhook subscription shared key |
SDK is licensed under the following License.