
Advanced query searching for Doctrine ORM (based on Ruby on Rails Ransack)

2.1.0 2022-05-14 18:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 00:50:01 UTC



$ composer require paliari/doctrine-ransack


Your setup, example

use Paliari\Doctrine\Ransack;
use Paliari\Doctrine\RansackConfig;

$ransack = new Ransack(new RansackConfig($entityManager));


use Paliari\Doctrine\Ransack;
use Paliari\Doctrine\RansackConfig;
use Paliari\Doctrine\VO\RansackOrderByVO;
use Paliari\Doctrine\VO\RansackParamsVO;

$entityName = User::class;
$alias = 't';
$paramsVO = new RansackParamsVO();
$paramsVO->where = [
    'person.address.street_cont' => 'Av% Brasil',
    'or' => [
        'name_eq' => 'Jhon',
        'email_start' => 'jhon',
        'person.address.city_eq' => 'Maringá',
    'id_order_by' => 'asc',
$paramsVO->orderBy = [
    new RansackOrderByVO(['field' => '', 'order' => 'ASC']),
    new RansackOrderByVO(['field' => '', 'order' => 'DESC']),
$paramsVO->groupBy = [
$qb = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder()->from($entityName, $alias);
$ransackBuilder = $this->ransack
    ->query($qb, $entityName, $alias)
$users = $ransackBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();

// Using includes
$includes = [
  'only' => ['id', 'email'],
  'include' => [
    'person' ['only' => ['id', 'name']],
$rows = $ransackBuilder->includes($includes)->getArrayResult();

Custom Association

Your class of get custom association


use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join;
use Paliari\Doctrine\CustomAssociationInterface;
use Paliari\Doctrine\VO\RelationVO;
use Paliari\Doctrine\VO\JoinVO;
use Person;
use User;

class CustomAssociation implements CustomAssociationInterface
    public function __invoke(string $entityName, string $alias, string $field): ?RelationVO
        if (User::class === $entityName && 'custom' == $field) {
            $relationVO = new RelationVO();
            $relationVO->entityName = $entityName;
            $relationVO->fieldName = $field;
            $relationVO->targetEntity = Person::class;
            $joinVO = new JoinVO();
            $joinVO->join = Person::class;
            $joinVO->alias = "{$alias}_$field";
            $joinVO->conditionType = Join::WITH;
            $joinVO->condition = "$ = $joinVO->";
            $relationVO->join = $joinVO;

            return $relationVO;

        return null;

Setup with CustomAssociation

use Paliari\Doctrine\Ransack;
use Paliari\Doctrine\RansackConfig;

$customAssociation = new CustomAssociation();
$config = new RansackConfig($entityManager, $customAssociation);
$ransack = new Ransack($config);

$entityName = User::class;
$alias = 't';
$paramsVO = new RansackParamsVO();
$paramsVO->where = [
    'custom.email_eq' => '',
$includes = [
  'only' => ['id', 'email'],
  'include' => [
    'custom' ['only' => ['id', 'name']],
$qb = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder()->from($entityName, $alias);
$ransackBuilder = $this->ransack
    ->query($qb, $entityName, $alias)
$users = $ransackBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();


The filters must be passed in a hash with the name of the key containing the field ending with the predicates below ex: person.name_eq, person.id_gt.

It is also possible to combine predicates within or or and clauses, eg:

$where = [
    'name_cont' => 'Jhon',
    'or' => [
        'person.name_start' => 'Jhon',
        'person.email_end' => '',
        'and' => [
            'person.address.city_eq' => 'Maringá',
            'person.address.state_eq' => 'PR',

List of all possible predicates

  • *_eq (equal)

    • Example:

      {"col_eq": "Fulano da Silva"}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col = 'Fulano da Silva'
  • *_not_eq (not equal)

    • Example:

      {"col_not_eq": "Fulano da Silva"}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col <> 'Fulano da Silva'
  • *_in (match any values in array)

    • Example:

      {"col_in": [13, 21, 124, 525]}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col IN (13, 21, 124, 525)
  • *_not_in (match none of values in array)

    • Example:

      {"col_not_in": [13, 21, 124, 525]}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col NOT IN (13, 21, 124, 525)
  • *_null (is null)

    • Example:

      {"col_null": null}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col IS NULL
  • *_not_null (is not null)

    • Example:

      {"col_not_null": null}
    • SQL result:

  • *_present (not null and not empty)

    Only compatible with string columns.

    • Example:

      {"col_present": 1}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col IS NOT NULL AND col != ''
  • *_blank (is null or empty)

    Only compatible with string columns.

    • Example:

      {"col_blank": 1}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col IS NULL OR col = ''
  • *_lt (less than)

    • Example:

      {"col_lt": 25}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col < 25
  • *_lteq (less than or equal to)

    • Example:

      {"col_lteq": 25}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col <= 25
  • *_gt (greater than)

    • Example:

      {"col_gt": 25}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col > 25
  • *_gteq (greater than or equal to)

    • Example:

      {"col_gteq": 25}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col >= 25
  • *_matches (matches with LIKE)

    • Example:

      {"col_matches": "Fulano"}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col LIKE 'Fulano'
  • *_not_matches (does not match with LIKE)

    • Example:

      {"col_not_matches": "Fulano"}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col NOT LIKE 'Fulano'
  • *_cont (contains value)

    • Example:

      {"col_cont": "Fulano"}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col LIKE '%Fulano%'
  • *_not_cont (does not contain)

    • Example:

      {"col_not_cont": "Fulano Silva"}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col NOT LIKE '%Fulano%Silva%'
  • *_start (starts with)

    • Example:

      {"col_start": "Fulano"}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col LIKE 'Fulano%'
  • *_not_start (does not start with)

    • Example:

      {"col_not_start": "Fulano"}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col NOT LIKE 'Fulano%'
  • *_end (ends with)

    • Example:

      {"col_end": "Fulano"}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col LIKE '%Fulano'
  • *_not_end (does not end with)

    • Example:

      {"col_not_end": "Fulano"}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col NOT LIKE '%Fulano'
  • *_between (between in 2 values)

    • Example:

      {"col_between": [10, 20]}
    • SQL result:

      WHERE col BETWEEN 10 AND 20
