
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Toolset to migrate legacy passwords to your current laravel project

3.0.1 2019-09-01 00:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-12-05 22:36:16 UTC


ARCHIVED: This project is archived and no longer maintained.

This is a tool to migrate legacy passwords in your application to the standard Laravel install. This is particularly useful when you're rewriting a project into Laravel, but you don't want to have users have to reset their password.


This project requires Laravel 5.8+.

composer require package-for-laravel/legacy-passwords

Then, run your migrations (this package registers some)

artisan migrate

Next, find your user model (this package is configured that you use the default setup of the users table - but it doesn't matter where your user model is or what it's named) and use the PackageForLaravel\LegacyPasswords\HasLegacyPassword trait. Also implement the PackageForLaravel\LegacyPasswords\HasLegacyPasswordContract.

use PackageForLaravel\LegacyPasswords\HasLegacyPasswordContract;
use PackageForLaravel\LegacyPasswords\HasLegacyPassword;

class User extends Authenticatable implements HasLegacyPasswordContract
  use HasLegacyPassword;

Create a Legacy Password Authentication Strategy, implement PackageForLaravel\LegacyPasswords\LegacyPasswordAuthenticationStrategyContract

Here's an example; Let's assume our old system was plain md5.

use PackageForLaravel\LegacyPasswords\LegacyPasswordAuthenticationStrategyContract;

class MyLegacyPasswordAuthenticationStrategy implements LegacyPasswordAuthenticationStrategyContract
    public function validateCredentials(Authenticatable $user, array $credentials): bool
        $password = $credentials['password'];
        $hashed = md5($password);

        return $user->legacyPassword->data['md5'] === $hashed;

Then, bind that into Laravel. For example, you might do this in the AuthServiceProvider:

$this->app->bind(LegacyPasswordAuthenticationStrategyContract::class, function() {
    return new MyLegacyPasswordAuthenticationStrategy();

Remember, you can inject requirements into your strategy here if you need to.

Finally, modify your config/auth.php key providers.users.driver to be laravel-legacy-passwords so that we can inject this authentication system instead of the standard one.

How do you create the legacy passwords? Easy. Something like this:

$user = User::create(); // you created this with your legacy data
    'data' => [
        'md5' => $oldUser['md5']

You can include anything you need for your strategy in the data key.


This package is created and maintained by Aaron Saray