
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.2) of this package.

Monolog Formatter and Handler for Howdoo

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

1.0.2 2021-01-16 19:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-03-07 10:39:53 UTC


Monolog Formatter based on NormalizerFormatter for storing logs to the JSON-files.


Update the composer.json file by amend repositories as follows:

    "repositories": [
          "type": "vcs",
          "url": "https://github.com/ozhowdoo/howdoo-monolog-handler"

Run the composer installer:

php composer.phar require ozhowdoo/howdoo-monolog-handler:^1.0


use Monolog\Logger;
use Howdoo\Monolog\Handler\LogFileHandler;
use Howdoo\Monolog\Formatter\LogFileFormatter;

// create a log channel
$logger = new Logger('name');
$logLevel = Logger::ALERT;
$handler = new LogFileHandler('name', '/path/to/your/logs/directory', $logLevel);
$handler->setFormatter(new LogFileFormatter());

// add records to the log
// $log->warning('Foo');
// $log->error('Bar');