
Sign URLs with expiration date to transfer data between projects

v1.0.0 2022-01-31 16:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-18 13:54:10 UTC


Unit Tests

Framework-agnostic, lightweight URL signer. You can use SafeLink to transfer data between projects.

Sign the url in project 1:

use Alfatron\SafeLink;

$safelink = new SafeLink('my-not-short-private-key');
$safelink->redirect('https://second-project/path', ['user' => 'test@example.com', 'action' => 'feed the cat'])

Retrieve it in project 2:

use Alfatron\SafeLink;

$safelink = new SafeLink('my-not-short-private-key');
$data = $safeLink->verify();
assert($data['user'], 'test@example.com');


  • Uses built-in php serializer to serialize the data to be transferred.
  • Can transfer any php type that can be serialized: object, array, string, integer.
  • Supports php 7.0+.
  • Has a default timeout of 10sec.s (customizable).
  • Uses openssl extension to encrypt the data (AES-256 CBC)


Run composer require ozanhazer/safe-link and you're good to go!


Timeout is 10sec.s by default to avoid replay attacks. You can change it like:

use Alfatron\SafeLink;

$safeLink = new SafeLink($privateKey, ['timeout' => 2]);