
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Quickly generating repository and interfaces from existing model files

v0.02 2017-05-08 21:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 13:07:04 UTC


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Repository Generator is a Laravel package that aims to generate repository and interface files for repository pattern. It gives you developing speed by automated operations. You can use this package for both ongoing and new projects.

  • Highly customizable with simple config
  • Overriding option
  • Easy to improve


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require ozanakman/laravel-repository-generator

Next, you must install the service provider to config/app.php:

'providers' => [
    // ...

Then, if you want to customize folder names, namespaces, etc... You need to publish config with command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OzanAkman\RepositoryGenerator\RepositoryGeneratorServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Now you can edit config/repository-generator.php


Before using generate commdand you should customize config/repository-generator.php for your own use. You can simply use repositories:generate command by terminal:

php artisan repositories:generate

Repository file provided by RepositoryGenerator (optional use)

This package contains Repository.php which has similar functions to Eloquent. You can basically do something like below when you extend class from \OzanAkman\RepositoryGenerator\Repository

This is completely personal and optional. I just created/copied some functions from Eloquent to add similar functionalities directly to repository file. So I can use same methods in my controller If I extend or implement this repository/interface for other database source like mongodb.


$magic = $repository->select('id', 'name')
            ->where('name', 'The Flash')
            ->get(); // or ->first();

Built-in active() scope


$magic = $repository->active()
// You can change active column name from config/repository-generator.php

Available Methods
All listed methods have same usage as Eloquent

Method Usage
select $repo->select('column1,'column2')
$repo->select(['column1, 'column2'])
active $repo->active()->get();
active() is equal to $repo->where('active_column', 1);
where $repo->where('color', 'red')->first();
$repo->where('level', '>', 10)->first();
whereIn $repo->whereIn('role', ['moderator', 'admin'])->get();
orWhere $repo->orWhere('column', 'value')->first();
with $repo->with('relation')->get();
count $repo->where('type', 'follower')->count();
find $repo->find($id);
value $repo->where('id', $id)->value('name');
get $repo->get();
paginate $repo->paginate(20);
create $repo->create(['name' => 'Ozan', 'role' => 'admin']);
update $repo->update(['role' => 'moderator'], $id);
delete $repo->where('posts', 0)->delete();
destroy $repo->destroy($id);


Thank you for considering contributing to the Repository Generator! The contribution guide can be found in the CONTRIBUTING.md