
Set of tools and boilerplate to use with Laravel Nova.

v2.0 2021-07-08 11:12 UTC



Require "oxygencms/oxy-nova": "@dev" in your own composer.json to get the package.

composer require oxygencms/oxy-nova

Since this package requires spatie/laravel-medialibrary to deal with uploads and media make sure you have it's migration published and run.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

By default file conversions will be queued. It is recommended to set the QUEUE_CONNECTION=redis in your .env file. If you do so also make sure to create the failed_jobs table. Then just run the queue worker as usual.

php artisan queue:failed-table


Publish the oxygen.php config file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Oxygencms\OxyNova\ServiceProvider' --tag=config

Define the 'media' disk for the media library in the config/filesystem.php file.

    'media_disk' => [
        'driver' => 'local',
        'root' => storage_path('app/public/media'),
        'url' => env('APP_URL').'/media',
        'visibility' => 'public',

Publish the config for the media library it self.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag=config

In config/medialibrary.php set the default disk_name and optionally the image_driver

'disk_name' => 'media',

'image_driver' => 'imagick'

Translation Files

Use the translations tag to publish the language files for each locale in the config. (BG & NL available atm).

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Oxygencms\OxyNova\ServiceProvider' --tag=translations


The views can be published with the views tag.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Oxygencms\OxyNova\ServiceProvider' --tag=views

Migrations, Seeds and Factories

To publish the factories for this package you can use the factories tag:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Oxygencms\OxyNova\ServiceProvider' --tag=factories

To publish the migrations for this package you can use the migrations tag:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Oxygencms\OxyNova\ServiceProvider' --tag=migrations

To publish the seeders for this package you can use the seeds tag:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Oxygencms\OxyNova\ServiceProvider' --tag=seeds

To publish all of the above at once you can use the database tag:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Oxygencms\OxyNova\ServiceProvider' --tag=database

To include some dummy data for the packages entities add the SEED_TEST_DATA=true to the .env file and seed your database with php artisan migrate:fresh --seed command.


There is an artisan command for quick setup using the default config.

php artisan oxy-nova:setup


To run the tests include a <testsuite> tag in your project's phpunit.php file and point it to the tests dir.

<testsuite name="OxyNova">
    <directory suffix="Test.php">./vendor/oxygencms/oxy-nova/tests</directory>



The phrases are neat way to store translations in the database so they can be edited. To utilize them we need to swap the default TranslationServiceProvider with the PhraseServiceProvider in config/app.php.

//        Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider::class,

The phrase's caching requires cache driver that does support tagging! predis/predis is already required in the package's composer file so we also need to configure laravel to use it. Set it in the .env file.


Then phrases and translations are both accessed with the standard Laravel helpers @lang(), __(), trans() & trans_choice(). If a phrase exists in the database with the given group/key it will be returned and cached. If not the one from the translation files will be returned instead. If both are present the one from DB will take precedence.


Using pages allows for easier management of the applications content and SEO. If a page has different slug for a given locale, visiting that slug will change the application locale. While on a page changing the application locale by hitting the setLocale route will redirect to the the slug of the page in the selected locale. Pages can have many sections via the $page->sections(): HasMany relationship. On $page->delete() all sections that belong to the page will be soft deleted and on $page->resotre() they will be restored automatically.

Page Sections

Page sections provide a simple way for adding additional content to a page. The owning page can be accessed via the $pageSection->page(): BelongsTo relationship. When updating a page section if APP_ENV=production the name will no longer be editable field because it may be in use in a view or controller to access a given section for a page.