
Google Places API integration for Contao Recommendation Bundle

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1.3.0 2023-06-01 17:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-22 08:47:56 UTC


Syncs your latest google reviews into the contao recommendation bundle.


Working with Contao 4.13 and Contao 5.1 (PHP ^8.1)

This plugin adds the possibility to synchronize your Google reviews into your recommendation archives.


  • Able to synchronize your google reviews into a recommendation archive
  • Able to choose the sync language for your google reviews
  • Cache invalidation after import
  • Automatic import once every 24 hours
  • Manual synchronization for one or all archives
  • Error logging


Via composer

composer require oveleon/contao-google-recommendation-bundle

Via contao-manager

Search for contao google recommendation bundle and add it to your extensions.

After installing the contao-google-recommendation-bundle, you need to run a contao install.


This bundle adds new fields to Contao Recommendation Bundle.

Contao Recommendation Bundle

For a full setup, please look here.

Archive settings

Admin View: Recommendation Reader


All archives with enabled synchronization will update once every 24 hours. You are able to trigger the synchronization for each archive or for all archives.

Admin View: Recommendation Sync


  1. Currently, the Google API only allows to retrieve the last 5 reviews. This should be sufficient for daily synchronization, but does not allow an initial import of all available ratings.
  2. The extension currently only allows the import of reviews with an entered text. If there is no text vavailable, the importer will skip the review.


You may encounter issues regarding using the Google Places API so follow the following steps to enable it and allow the usage of the API-Key:

Also make sure that your API-Key for the Places-API is usable by your server (IP-Address) and do not lock it to a URL (The cronjob doesn't work via URL but the IP). For billing issues, make sure that you have to verify your payment method via https://payments.google.com/gp/w/home/paymentmethods as well.

Any issues regarding setting up the Google API will be closed without an answer. Please read the google docs.


An example how to style your reviews on your website

Admin View: Recommendation Example