
Focused web analytics software, with real-time reports about the traffic sources, locations, and technologies used by the visitors.

1.0.0 2023-11-23 12:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-11 09:13:09 UTC


Packagist Version (custom server) Packagist PHP Version Static Badge License

About Webalitics

Webalitics is a focused web analytics software with real-time reports about the traffic sources, locations, and technologies used by the visitors.

Using Webalitics

Webalitics does its magic to find out which visitor came to your website, where in the world they are, and what browser and OS they used. You can then draw up a plan to make your website friendlier to a demographic or include more content for the specific demographic.

Getting Started

  1. Composer require the package:

    composer require osit/webalitics 
  2. Initialise the package:

    php artisan webalitics:init
  3. Add Webalitics as middleware to your project. From your project root:

    1. locate the file '/app/Http/Kernel.php' .
    2. add \Osit\Webalitics\Visilyzer::class, to the 'web' index in the $middlewareGroups array. Add Webalitics as middleware
  4. Add more information to enabled Webalitics:

    1. Edit the Webalitics config file that can be found at project root '/config/webalitic.php' to edit routes you would like to monitor and to also add your GeoIP credentials to allow Webalitics to gather where your website visitor are in the world! You can also edit your .env file to add your User Name and Website Name, although these do not affect the workings for Webalitics. Webalitics config file
  5. Use Webalitics:

    1. visit your website to check for any errors.
    2. visit Webalitics Dashboard using path {/webalitics/admin} e.g.: to get your Webalitics!


You can protect you Webalitics data by uncommenting the line of code:
// $this->middleware('auth');
in the WebaliticsController.php constructor.


Thank you for considering contributing to the Webalitics package!
Please email our developer via developer@osit.co.za to find out how.