orglman / fundamental
A reposotory of fundamental features that are used in Orgelman's project.
- bjeavons/zxcvbn-php: ^0.4
- greenlion/php-sql-parser: @dev
- cbschuld/browser.php: dev-master
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-21 21:47:44 UTC
A reposotory of fundamental features that are used in Orgelman's project.
In the words of Abraham Lincoln:
Pardon my French
My English and technical language in the code is NOT on point... Sorry for any confusion.
OFS is available on Packagist (using semantic versioning), and installation via Composer is the recommended way to install OFS. Just add this line to your composer.json file:
"orglman/fundamental": "@dev"
or run
composer require orglman/fundamental
Note that the vendor folder and the vendor/autoload.php script are generated by Composer; they are not part of OFS.
Code Examples
Forbid direct access
if((isset($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]))&&(basename(__FILE__)==basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]))){header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 401 Unauthorized',true,401);header('Status: '.'401 Unauthorized');header('Retry-After: 86400');die('<h1>401 Unauthorized</h1>');} if(get_included_files()[0]==__FILE__){header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 401 Unauthorized', true, 401);header('Status: '.'401 Unauthorized');header('Retry-After: 86400');die('<h1>401 Unauthorized</h1>');}
Getting script elapsed time
$functions = new \orgelman\fundamental\scripts\functions($root = null, $start = microtime(true)); echo $functions->timeElapsed();
Hide emails
$functions = new \orgelman\fundamental\scripts\functions(); echo $functions->obfuscate_email(''); echo $functions->botTrap('');
Get user agent, IP and client info
$functions = new \orgelman\fundamental\scripts\functions(); print_r($functions->get_client()); echo $functions->get_client_ua(); echo $functions->get_client_ip();
Encrypting and decrypting strings
$str = 'message'; $encrypt = new orgelman\fundamental\security\encrypt($compress = 'true','sha256'); $encrypted = $encrypt->encrypt($str, $key, $method = '')['encrypted']; $decrypted = $encrypt->decrypt($encrypted, $key, $method = '')['decrypted'];
Test passwords
$hash = new orgelman\fundamental\security\hash($compress = 'true'); $password = 'password'; $hash->setPasswordLenghtMin($num); $hash->setPasswordLenghtMax($num); $hash->setPasswordNumber($num); $hash->setPasswordLetter($num); $hash->setPasswordCapital($num); $hash->setPasswordSymbol($num); $test = $hash->test($password); if($test!=true) { echo '<ul>'; foreach(test as $error) { echo '<li>'.$error.'</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; }
Hashing and validating passwords
$password = 'password'; $hash = new orgelman\fundamental\security\hash($compress = 'true'); $hash->setPasswordLenghtMin($num); // Password minimum lenght $hash->setPasswordLenghtMax($num); // Password maximum lenght $hash->setPasswordNumber($num); // How many numbers the password must contain $hash->setPasswordLetter($num); // How many letters the password must contain $hash->setPasswordCapital($num); // How many CAPS the password must contain $hash->setPasswordSymbol($num); // How many symbols the password must contain $hash->setPasswordStrength($num); // How strong the password must be (0-4) $hashedPass = $hash->generate($password); if(!is_string($hashedPass)) { echo '<ul>'; foreach(hashedPass as $error) { echo '<li>'.$error.'</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } else { if($hash->valid(password, $hashedPass)) { echo 'Yay!'; } else { echo 'Nay!'; } }
There is a PHPUnit test script in the test folder.
If this isn't passing, is there something you can do to help?
- Tobias Jonson - Developer - orglman
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details