
Open Source Moduler CMS Project

dev-master 2023-05-25 23:15 UTC


Codacy Badge Quality Gate Status

Test structure data
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                        ":tag": "label",
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                        ":content": "Draft",
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                ":content": "Order"
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                ":rules": ["required", "numeric"]
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                                        ":content": "Skills"
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                                        "name": "skills",
                                        ":content": "",
                                        ":children": [
                                                ":tag": "option",
                                                "value": "",
                                                ":content": "Please select your best skill"
                                                ":tag": "option",
                                                "value": "1",
                                                ":value": "1",
                                                ":content": "Photoshop"
                                                ":tag": "option",
                                                "value": "2",
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                                        ":children": [
                                                ":tag": "input",
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                                                ":value": "on",
                                                ":rules": ["checkbox"]
                                                ":tag": "label",
                                                "class": "custom-control-label",
                                                "for": "wizard-simple2-terms",
                                                ":content": "Agree with the terms"
Demo Func
function bodyParser(d, i, p, r = []) {
    for (i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
        p = { ":tag": d[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() };
        [].slice.call(d[i].attributes).forEach((t) => (p[t.name] = t.value));
        if (d[i].value) p[":value"] = d[i].value;
        if (d[i].firstChild && d[i].firstChild.nodeType == 3)
            p[":content"] = d[i].firstChild.nodeValue.trim();
        if ((c = bodyParser(d[i].children)).length) p[":children"] = c;
    return r;
Rols Func ```php /* use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan; Artisan::call("route:list", ["--json" => true]); $routes = json_decode(Artisan::output(), true); $routes = collect($routes) ->pluck("middleware", "name") ->map(function ($m) { $mArr = Str::of($m) ->explode("\n") ->filter(function ($s) { return Str::startsWith( $s, "Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authorize:" ); }) ->map(function ($s) { return Str::after( $s, "Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authorize:" ); }); return $mArr; }) ->filter(function ($s) { return $s->count() > 0; }); dd($routes); */ ```
Search view query ```sql SELECT 'website_detail' AS model_type, wd.id AS model_id, wd.name AS `name`, we. `key` AS `key`, we. `value` AS `value`, wde. `key` AS detail_key, wde. `value` AS detail_value, wd.`language` as `language`, u.website_id AS website_id, u.url AS url FROM websites AS w LEFT JOIN website_extras AS we ON we.website_id = w.id LEFT JOIN website_details AS wd ON wd.website_id = w.id LEFT JOIN website_detail_extras AS wde ON wde.website_detail_id = wd.id LEFT JOIN urls AS u ON u.model_id = wd.id AND u.model_type = 'website_detail' UNION SELECT 'node_details' AS model_type, nd.id AS model_id, nd.name AS `name`, ne. `key` AS `key`, ne. `value` AS `value`, nde. `key` AS detail_key, nde. `value` AS detail_value, nd.`language` as `language`, u.website_id AS website_id, u.url AS url FROM nodes AS n LEFT JOIN node_extras AS ne ON ne.node_id = n.id LEFT JOIN node_details AS nd ON nd.node_id = n.id LEFT JOIN node_detail_extras AS nde ON nde.node_detail_id = nd.id LEFT JOIN urls AS u ON u.model_id = nd.id AND u.model_type = 'node_details' UNION SELECT 'page_details' AS model_type, pd.id AS model_id, pd.name AS `name`, pe. `key` AS `key`, pe. `value` AS `value`, pde. `key` AS detail_key, pde. `value` AS detail_value, pd.`language` as `language`, u.website_id AS website_id, u.url AS url FROM pages AS p LEFT JOIN page_extras AS pe ON pe.page_id = p.id LEFT JOIN page_details AS pd ON pd.page_id = p.id LEFT JOIN page_detail_extras AS pde ON pde.page_detail_id = pd.id LEFT JOIN urls AS u ON u.model_id = pd.id AND u.model_type = 'page_details' UNION SELECT 'category_details' AS model_type, cd.id AS model_id, cd.name AS `name`, ce. `key` AS `key`, ce. `value` AS `value`, cde. `key` AS detail_key, cde. `value` AS detail_value, cd.`language` as `language`, u.website_id AS website_id, u.url AS url FROM categories AS c LEFT JOIN category_extras AS ce ON ce.category_id = c.id LEFT JOIN category_details AS cd ON cd.category_id = c.id LEFT JOIN category_detail_extras AS cde ON cde.category_detail_id = cd.id LEFT JOIN urls AS u ON u.model_id = cd.id AND u.model_type = 'category_details' ```