
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

Installs: 2 414

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 0

Forks: 2


dev-master / 4.1.x-dev 2025-01-09 18:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 19:07:54 UTC


Bundle para manejo de envio y contenido de correos.


Se debe instalar y configurar el bundle de sf-utils

Luego ejecutar:

composer require "optimeconsulting/sf-emails" "~4.1@dev"


Agregar como un bundle en el config/bundles.php:


return [
    Optime\Email\Bundle\OptimeEmailBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Configuración de opciones:

Crear/Ajustar el archivo config/packages/optime_emails.yaml:

# Por ahora sin nada que agregar, no se necesita crea el archivo

Crear el archivo config/routes/optime_emails.yaml:

  resource: "@OptimeEmailBundle/Controller/"
  prefix:   /{_locale}/admin/emails
  type:     attribute


Configurar variable de entorno MAILER_DSN si no se tiene el valor real para esta variable usar MAILER_DSN=null://null

Crear entidad EmailApp

La clase EmailApp debe implementar Optime\Email\Bundle\Entity\EmailAppInterface:

namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Optime\Email\Bundle\Entity\EmailAppInterface;

class EmailApp implements EmailAppInterface
    #[ORM\Column(type: 'integer')]
    private ?int $id;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;

    public function __toString(): string
        return (string)$this->getId();

    public function getFromEmail(): string
        return 'from@from.com';

    public function getFromName(): string
        return 'From Name';

Tener en cuenta que si se están usando anotaciones para el proyecto, la entidad EmailApp tambien debe usar anotaciones en vez de atributos de php.

Agregar configuracion de la entidad EmailApp en el config/packages/doctrine.yaml:

            Optime\Email\Bundle\Entity\EmailAppInterface: App\Entity\EmailApp

Correr comando de doctrine:

symfony console doctrine:schema:update -f


Este bundle requiere del bundle de sfutils, el se va a instalar automáticamente. De todas formas será necesario configurar dicho bundle siguiendo su documentación.

Tambien será necesario instalar y configurar las extensiones de doctrine, especificamente la de traducciones, para ello seguir la documentación del bundle StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle


Ejemplo básico:

use Optime\Email\Bundle\Service\Email\MailerFactory;
use Optime\Email\Bundle\Service\Email\Recipient\EmailRecipient;

class XXXMailerSender
    public function __construct(
        private MailerFactory $factory
    ) {

    public function send(User $user): void
        $intent = $this->factory->create('template_code_xxx');
        $recipient = new EmailRecipient($user->getEmail(), $user->firstName());
        $variables = [
            'first_name' => $user->firstName(),
            'last_name' => $user->lastName(),

        $intent->send($variables, $recipient);

Custom EmailApp:

use Optime\Email\Bundle\Service\Email\MailerFactory;
use Optime\Email\Bundle\Service\Email\Recipient\EmailRecipient;
use App\Repository\EmailAppRepository;

class XXXMailerSender
    public function __construct(
        private MailerFactory $factory,
        private EmailAppRepository $appRepository,
    ) {

    public function send(User $user): void
        $app = $this->appRepository->find(3);
        $intent = $this->factory->create('template_code_xxx', $app);
        $recipient = new EmailRecipient($user->getEmail(), $user->firstName());
        $variables = [
            'first_name' => $user->firstName(),
            'last_name' => $user->lastName(),

        $intent->send($variables, $recipient);

Varios usuarios:

use Optime\Email\Bundle\Service\Email\MailerFactory;
use Optime\Email\Bundle\Service\Email\Recipient\EmailRecipient;
use App\Repository\EmailAppRepository;

class XXXMailerSender
    public function __construct(
        private MailerFactory $factory,
        private EmailAppRepository $appRepository,
    ) {

    public function send(User $userA, User $userB, User $userC): void
        $app = $this->appRepository->find(3);
        $intent = $this->factory->create('template_code_xxx', $app);
        foreach([$userA, $userB, $userC] as $user) {
            $recipient = new EmailRecipient($user->getEmail(), $user->firstName());
            $variables = [
                'first_name' => $user->firstName(),
                'last_name' => $user->lastName(),
                '_locale' => $user->getLocale(), // opcional, si se pasa se usa ese valor para los textos, y si no, se usa el locale de la petición actual.

            $intent->send($variables, $recipient);

App Resolver:

use Optime\Email\Bundle\Service\Email\MailerFactory;
use Optime\Email\Bundle\Service\Email\Recipient\EmailRecipient;
use App\Repository\EmailAppRepository;
use Optime\Email\Bundle\Service\Email\App\EmailAppResolver;

class XXXMailerSender
    public function __construct(
        private MailerFactory $factory,
        private EmailAppRepository $appRepository,
    ) {

    public function send(Event $event, User $user): void
        $appResolver = new EmailAppResolver(function() use ($event) {
            return $this->appRepository->findByEvent($event)
        $intent = $this->factory->create('template_code_xxx', $appResolver);
        $recipient = new EmailRecipient($user->getEmail(), $user->firstName());
        $variables = [
            'first_name' => $user->firstName(),
            'last_name' => $user->lastName(),

        $intent->send($variables, $recipient);

Variable _email_id:

Todos los templates tienen disponible una variable especial llamada _email_id la cual contiene el uuid del log del correo para poder con dicho valor generar una url y que los usuarios puedan ver el contenido del correo en el navegador.