
Zend Captcha bundle

v1.0.0 2016-10-11 08:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-11 18:28:01 UTC


The ZendCaptchaBundle adds support for a captcha form type for the Symfony form component. Compatibility with Symfony

If you are using SYmfony >= 2.8 Installation

Step 1: Download the ZendCaptchaBundle

Using Composer

    composer require openwide/zend-captcha-bundle

or add bundle in composer.json

  // ...
  "require": {
        // ...
        "openwide/zend-captcha-bundle": "dev-master"
        // ...
   // ...

Step 2: Enable the bundle

// app/appKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Openwide\Bundle\ZendCaptchaBundle\OpenwideZendCaptchaBundle(),


You can use the "zend captcha" type in your forms this way:

    use Openwide\Bundle\ZendCaptchaBundle\Form\Type\ZendCaptchaType;
    // ...
    $builder // ...
    ->add('captcha', ZendCaptchaType::class)


  • img_dir allow you to specify the directory for storing CAPTCHA images. The default is /web/captcha
  • font allow you to specify the font you will use. The default is arial.ttf
  • img_url allow you to specify the relative path to a CAPTCHA image to use for HTML markup. The default is “/captcha”.
  • suffix allow you to specify the filename suffix for the CAPTCHA image. The default is “.png”.
  • width allow you to specify the width in pixels of the generated CAPTCHA image. The default is 200px.
  • height allow you to specify the height in pixels of the generated CAPTCHA image. The default is 50px.
  • font_size allow you to specify the font size in pixels for generating the CAPTCHA. The default is 24px.
  • dot_noise_level and line_noise_level allow you to control how much “noise” in the form of random dots and lines the image would contain. The default is 100 dots and 5 lines. The noise is added twice - before and after the image distortion transformation.
  • word_len allow you to specify the length of the generated “word” in characters. The default is 8.
  • expiration allow you to specify a maximum lifetime the CAPTCHA image may reside on the filesystem. Garbage collection is run periodically each time the CAPTCHA object is invoked, deleting all images that have expired. Expiration values should be specified in seconds. The default is 600.
  • gc_freq allow you to specify how frequently garbage collection should run. Garbage collection will run every 1/gcFreq calls. The default is 100.
  • bypass_code code that will always validate the captcha (default=null)