
Automatically generate a Postman collection based on your API routes.

0.1.7 2024-05-17 13:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-17 13:17:21 UTC


Package allows you to automatically generate a Postman collection based on your routes.


composer require oooiik/laravel-export-postman


You can modify any of the export-postman.php config values to suit your export requirements.

Php Comments Documentation for API Annotations


@AuthNo No authentication is required for the annotated API endpoint.

@AuthParent Inherits the authentication settings from the parent endpoint.

@AuthBearer [token] Requires Bearer token authentication. Replace [token] with the actual token. Example:

@AuthBearer abc123


@Header [key] => [value] Specifies a custom header for the API request. Replace [key] with the header name and [value] with the header value.

@Header Accept => application/json
@Header Content-Type => application/json


@DescriptionContext [context] Provides a brief description or context for the API request. Replace [context] with the description.

@DescriptionBasePath [path] Specifies the base path description for the API endpoint. Replace [path] with the base path. Example:

@DescriptionBasePath /dir/file

@DescriptionResourcePath [path] Specifies the resource path description for the API endpoint. Replace [path] with the resource path.

Pre-Request Scripts

@PreRequestScriptContext [path] Defines a pre-request script to be executed before the API request. Replace [path] with the context or location of the script.

@PreRequestScriptFileBasePath [path] Specifies the base path to the file containing the pre-request script. Replace [path] with the file location relative to the base directory.

@PreRequestScriptFileResourcePath [path] Specifies the resource path to the file containing the pre-request script. Replace [path] with the specific file location.

Test Scripts

@TestScriptContext [context] Defines a test script to be executed after the API request. Replace [context] with the context or description of the test script.

@TestScriptFileBasePath [path] Specifies the base path to the file containing the test script. Replace [path] with the file location relative to the base directory.

@TestScriptFileResourcePath [path] Specifies the resource path to the file containing the test script. Replace [path] with the specific file location.


class Container ...
     * @AuthNo
     * @Header Accept => application/json
     * @DescriptionContext description for postman
     * @PreRequestScriptContext console.log('pre-request index method') 
     * @TestScriptContext console.log('test index method') 
    public function index(...) {...}
     * @AuthBearer {{TOKEN}}
     * @PreRequestScriptFileBasePath ./dir/filename
     * @TestScriptFileResourcePath ./dir/filename
    public function Show(...) {...}


php artisan export:postman