
An object oriented wrapper around the openssl extension

0.1.0 2020-04-16 21:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-04-25 19:24:17 UTC


An Object Oriented wrapper on top of PHP OpenSSL Extension

NOTE: This library does not aim to replicate all the openssl extension functions or apis. It simply provides an object oriented api for operations with keys and certificates to simplify code. At least that is at the moment.

WARNING: This library has not reached 1.0.0 yet. The api is unstable, not 100% tested and can change in minor versions. Use appropriate semver constraints.


composer require oo-php/openssl


The usage is pretty straightforward. All methods are extensively documented. Here's an example of the basic api explained with comments.


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use OOPHP\OpenSSL\CSR\DistinguishedName;
use OOPHP\OpenSSL\Pair\PrivateKey;

// You can generate a new private key very easily. By default it takes your php
// openssl configuration. You can pass an optional argument to override the defaults.
$private = PrivateKey::generate();

// Then you can write the public key in pem format to the filesystem
$private->writeTo('name.key', 'passphrase'); // Passphrase is optional.

// Or you can get the public part and write it too

// You can encrypt any piece of data with the private key
$bytes = $private->encrypt('this-is-some-data');

// You can cast those bytes to convenient encodings
// Or simply have them raw

// You can decrypt back with the public part
$data = $private->getPublicKey()->decrypt($bytes);

// You can sign any piece of information too
$signature = $private->sign('some-public-info');

// And this signature is also a Bytes instance

// But probably the most cool thing is that you can create Certificate Signing Requests (CSR)

// For that we need some optional data first
$dn = DistinguishedName::blank()
    ->withCommonName('Matías Navarro');

// We create the CRS using our Private Key
$csr = $private->createCSR($dn);

// The CSR can also be written to the filesystem

// But what we really want is to create a cert out of it. In this case, will be
// self-signed valid for five years
$cert = $csr->sign($private, null, 365*5);

// And we can also save this certificate

// Oh, how I love nice apis!