
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.0.1) of this package.

An extension for feature flags

v1.0.1 2024-02-19 08:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 11:11:35 UTC


Includes the following general usage classes:

  • Annotations:
    • FeatureFlag;
  • Aspects:
    • FeatureFlagAspect;
  • Constants:
    • Actions;
  • DTO:
    • ResetFeatureFlagDTO;
    • UpdateFeatureFlagDTO;
  • Event:
    • Action;
  • Model:
    • FeatureFlag;
  • Repository:
    • FeatureFlagRepository;
  • Service:
    • GetCurrentFeatureFlagService;
    • GetFeatureFlagService;
    • GetOverriddenFeatureFlagService;
    • ResetFeatureFlagService;
    • SetFeatureFlagService
  • Other:
    • RedisWrapper


composer require onix-systems-php/hyperf-feature-flags

Publishing the config:

php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish onix-systems-php/hyperf-feature-flags

Defining feature flags in config:

Format: 'name' => 'rule'


return [
    'slack-integration' => true,
    'my-custom-feature' => "[date:now] > '2024-02-06' && [date:now] <= '2024-12-31'",
    'my-awesome-feature' => '[config:slack.integration] === true || [feature:my-custom-feature] === false',

Attention! If you want to use dates, in your rules you must take your dates in singular quotes. Otherwise, the rule will always evaluate as true.

Basic Usage:


  1. Via: OnixSystemsPHP\HyperfFeatureFlags\Annotations\FeatureFlag.
#[FeatureFlag('slack-integration', false)]
private function sendSlackNotification(string $link, Feedback $feedback): bool

As we can see from this code, that sendSlackNotification method will be executed if we slack-integrations is true in our config, in our feature_flags table or redis. the second parameter in FeatureFlag aspect was set to false then it indicates that if slack-integartion is not exists anywhere by default aspect will return false and this method will also return false.

  1. Via: OnixSystemsPHP\HyperfFeatureFlags\Services\GetFeatureFlagService

This example introduces how you can use it from your controller method which should return Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface. Here we don't use annotation because we need to return not a primitive but an object. So if $this->getFeatureFlagService->run('slack-integration') will return false, we just return $this->response->json([]). Otherwise, we go next.

class SlackController
    public function __construct(private \OnixSystemsPHP\HyperfFeatureFlags\Services\GetFeatureFlagService $getFeatureFlagService) {}
    public function webhook(): Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
        if (!$this->getFeatureFlagService->run('slack-integration')) {
            return $this->response->json([])

For example, we have in our config these rules:

return [
    'my-awesome-feature' => true,
    'my-custom-feature' => "[date:now] > '2050-31-12' || [config:slack.integration] || [feature:my-awesome-feature]",

What will be the value of this rule?

  1. The first part, will evaluate [date:now] > '2050-31-12'. Obviously, until 2050-31-12 it will be false.
  2. The second part, will evaluate [config:slack.integration]. It will take integration value from the config/autoload/slack.php file if you have. Assume, we don't have slack-integration in our config file. So it will be null.
  3. The third part, will evaluate [feature:my-awesome-feature]. Nothing fancy, it will take from our file /cofnig/autoload/feature_flags.php, true value.
  4. Finally, evaluation of this rule my-custom-feature will be false || null || true. As the result of evaluation will be true.



This class allows you to set your feature flag to feature_flags table. The method run() accepts one argument: UpdateFeatureFlagDTO with name and rule of the feature flag. It checks if the given user can set this feature flag. So you should implement policy logic.


This class allows you to reset your feature. In simply words it just deletes your flag from the database and redis. The method run() accepts one argument: ResetFeatureFlagDTO with name and rule of the feature flag. It checks if the given user can reset this feature flag. So you should implement policy logic.


This class allows you to get all current feature flags. The method run() returns an associative array with name and value (which evaluates based on rule) of the feature flag.


This class allows you to get all overridden features. In simply words it just grab your flags from the database and redis. The method run() returns an associative array with name and value of the feature flag.


This class allows you to get value of your rule. Firstly, it goes to redis and checks if it presents in it, then if yes takes it. Secondly if no, goes to database if there is any flag with this name if yes, takes it. Finally, goes to the config and return evaluated rule from the config even if there is such rule in config, it simply returns false, in any of these cases it stores value to redis.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.