
PHP tool for generating code of HTML tags.

v1.0.3 2024-05-19 16:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-19 17:16:06 UTC



HTML tags source code generation based on configuration array



composer require one234ru/html-tag-generator:dev-main 


The library doesn't have any dependencies. Only HTMLtagGenerator.php file is required for work.

require_once 'HTMLtagGenerator.php';


Create the object passing configuration array to the constructor. Then get an HTML code treating the object as a string:

$config = [ ... ];
$html_tag = new \One234ru\HTMLtagGenerator($config);
echo $html_tag;

Description of configuration fields

tag and text

tag is the tag's name, div by default.

text will be inserted right after opening tag.



    'text' => 'Here is some text'


<div>Here is some text</div>


    'tag' => 'span',
    'text' => 'Here is some text'


<span>Here is some text</span>

Tags with no closing part (like input) will be detected automatically and processed appropriately.


attr is a list of attributes in a form of key-value pairs.

All the values are encoded using htmlspecialchars().

If the value is an array, it will be turned into JSON.

    'text' => 'Here is some text',
    'attr' => [
        'id' => 'main',
        'class' => 'someclass',
        'style' => 'font-weight: bold',
        'data-something' => [ 'x' => 1, 'y' => 2 ]

Result (formatted for readability):

 style="font-weight: bold"
    Here is some text

Some attributes, like checked, are treated in a special way: if the value converts to boolean true, only their names go to final HTML, otherwise nothing goes anywhere:

    'tag' => 'input',
    'attr' => [
        'type' => 'checkbox',
        'checked' => true
<input type="checkbox" checked>
    'tag' => 'input',
    'attr' => [
        'type' => 'checkbox',
        'checked' => false
<input type="checkbox">

This is done for disambiguation of unobvious feature deriving from HTML standard, which leads to <input checked=""> or <input checked=0> eventually working the same way as <input checked>, i.e. the actual value of the attribute not affecting anything even if it is false or something like that, and the only way to discard the attribute is to exclude it completely.


The children field serves for listing of children elements in the form of similar configurations.

Their source code will be inserted after text:

    'text' => 'Did you like it?',
    'children' => [
            'tag' => 'input',
            'attr' => [
                'type' => 'submit',
                'value' => 'Yes!', // Да!
            'tag' => 'input',
            'attr' => [
                'type' => 'reset',
                'value' => 'No', // Нет
            'tag' => 'button',
            'text' => "I don't know", // Не знаю
    Did you like it?
    <input type="submit" value="Yes!">
    <input type="reset" value="No">
    <button>I don't know</button>

You can pass HTML as a string directly instead of an array:

    'tag' => 'ul',
    'children' => [

It is not necessary to wrap the contents into tags:

    'children' => [
        'This is the text at the beginning. ',
        '<b>This is a bold text.</b> ',
        'This is the text at the end.',
<div>This is the text at the beginning. <b>This is a bold text.</b> This is the text at the end.</div>

Actually, the following two configurations yield the same result:

    'text' => 'Here is some text'
    'children' => [ 
        'Here is some text'
<div>Here is some text</div>

If a string is passed as a configuration, it will be used as final HTML; this fact is utilized when children are passed as strings. The following two configurations are equivalent:

    'text' => 'Here is some text'
'<div>Here is some text</div>'


<div>Here is some text</div>

Inheritance: normalizing configuration (normalizeConfig())

When extending the class, you may define protected normalizeConfig() method, which allows using configurations of non-standard structure.

Let's say, we often use class attribute and would like to define it at the highest level of array, not inside the attr. In this case we need to create a child class:

class Test extends \One234ru\HTMLtagGenerator {
    protected function normalizeConfig($config)
        if (isset($config['class'])) {
            $config['attr']['class'] = $config['class'];
        return $config;

echo new Test([
    'class' => 'something',

// Same thing using the basic class:
echo new \One234ru\HTMLtagGenerator([
    'attr' => [
        'class' => 'something'


<div class="something"></div>