
Symfony Bundle

1.0.4 2024-04-02 20:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-02 21:14:00 UTC


PhpSpreadsheet Helper Bundle eases the use of the excellent PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet bundle in your Symfony application by adding helper methods



PhpSpreadsheet Helper Bundle is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.


Applications that use Symfony Flex

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute:

composer require oncology-support/phpspreadsheet-helper-bundle

Applications that don't use Symfony Flex

Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

composer require oncology-support/phpspreadsheet-helper-bundle

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    OncologySupport\PhpSpreadsheetHelper\OncologySupportPhpSpreadsheetHelperBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Step 3: Use it!

This bundle provides helper functions that you call from your controller.

// your controller

use OncologySupport\PhpSpreadsheetHelper\Utilities\SpreadsheetFactory;
use OncologySupport\PhpSpreadsheetHelper\Utilities\WorksheetFactory;

public function createAndDownloadSpreadsheet()
    $spreadsheet = new SpreadsheetFactory();
    $worksheet = new WorksheetFactory($spreadsheet, 'My worksheet');
    $worksheet->addTitleRow('Very Important Data');
    $header = ['Order Date', 'Site', 'Item', 'Item Description'];
    $rows = [
        ['12/15/2023', 'Main site', 'Dog collar', 'A stunning red dog collar'],
        ['12/19/2023', 'Main site', 'Cat collar', 'Blue cat collar'],
        ['1/3/2024', 'Backup site', 'Turtle harness', 'Take your turtle for a walk!'],

    // download to an excel file    
