
A standalone port of the DebuggerUtility of the well known CMS TYPO3.

1.0.2 2019-07-13 23:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 09:47:20 UTC


Build Status CodeFactor

TYPO3 DebuggerUtility - Standalone

This library is for everybody who wants to use the DebuggerUtility of the well known CMS TYPO3 (v 9.5) in its own project.

The API of the class is still the same, so you dont have to learn a new one.

Its an education project to increase my skills as a developer, but may it will be useful for somebody.


This library is composer based, so you simply have to execute the following command:

composer require omegacode/t3-debugger-utility-standalone


  • At least PHP version 7.1


This is a simple example of how to use the class.

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$var = new stdClass();
$var->title = "my obj";
$var->someVar = [
  "key" => "value",

\OmegaCode\DebuggerUtility::var_dump($var, 'my awesome var_dump!');

For more advanced usages, check the API of the class

Parameter Description Optional
$variable The value to dump no
$title optional custom title for the debug output yes
$maxDepth Sets the max recursion depth of the dump. De- or increase the number according to your needs and memory limit. yes
$plainText if TRUE, the dump is in plain text, if FALSE the debug output is in HTML format yes
$ansiColors if TRUE (default), ANSI color codes is added to the output, if FALSE the debug output not colored yes
$return if TRUE, the dump is returned for custom post-processing (e.g. embed in custom HTML). If FALSE (default), the dump is directly displayed. yes
$blacklistedClassNames An array of class names (RegEx) to be filtered. Default is an array of some common class names. yes
$blacklistedPropertyNames An array of property names and/or array keys (RegEx) to be filtered. Default is an array of some common property names. yes


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

How to run tests local

To run the tests use the console file (build/scripts/

Test runner help

No arguments: Run all unit tests


-s <...>
    Specifies which test suite to run
        - build: Test if the project can be build without errors.
        - unit: Runs all unit tests
        - quality: Runs all code quality tests.

-p <7.1|7.2|7.3>
    Specifies the PHP version to be used

    Show this help.


Run unit tests using PHP 7.2: build/scripts/ -s unit -p 7.2

Run code quality tests using PHP 7.3 build/scripts/ -s quality -p 7.3

Test runner information

This library is developed using OSX. If you are using a different OS there might be a chance that this script wont work.

