
Add interfaces to see execution & to run executions of the php-etl.

v1.0.0 2022-03-06 17:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 16:43:53 UTC


The Php etl easy admin bundle allows the usage of Oliver's PHP Etl library in symfony. Add's an integration to easy admin as well in order to see a list of the executions:

List of etl executions

And also a details on each execution. Logs of each execution and files processed in each execution can also be found here

List of etl executions

Also provides a dashboard to see current state.

Dashboard of etl executions


  1. Install using composer

  2. in /config/ create a directory etl

  3. Enable bundle:

    \Oliverde8\PhpEtlBundle\Oliverde8PhpEtlEasyAdminBundle::class => ['all' => true],
  1. Add to easy admin
yield MenuItem::linktoRoute("Job Dashboard", 'fas fa-chart-bar', "etl_execution_dashboard");
yield MenuItem::linkToCrud('Etl Executions', 'fas fa-list', EtlExecution::class);
  1. Enable routes
  resource: '@Oliverde8PhpEtlEasyAdminBundle/Controller'
  type: annotation
  prefix: /admin
  1. Optional: Enable queue if you wish to allow users from the easy admin panel to do executions.
        "Oliverde8\PhpEtlBundle\Message\EtlExecutionMessage": async
  1. Optional: Enable creation of individual files for each log by editing the monolog.yaml
    type: service
    id: Oliverde8\PhpEtlBundle\Services\ChainExecutionLogger
    level: debug
    channels: ["!event"]


Please check the documentation of the Php Etl Bundle

For more information on how the etl works and how to create operations check the Php Etl Documentation


  • Add possibility to create etl chains definitions from the interface.