
A package to update Iliad when calling the CDM service.

1.0.0 2020-05-05 08:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-06 00:22:10 UTC


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This is where your description should go. Try and limit it to a paragraph or two, and maybe throw in a mention of what PSRs you support to avoid any confusion with users and contributors.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require oliverbj/databaseupdater


This package can be used to parse an XML file and add the values directly into a database table.

use Oliverbj\DatabaseUpdater\Facade;

\DatabaseUpdater::update(['xml' => 'XMLFileString', 'UniqueValue' => 'CDK12345678']);

The update method require two indexes: xml and UniqueValue. The xml should contain the XML file as a string and the UniqueValue should contain the value we should check against in the database.

The default database connection and table from the configuration is used by default, but you can specify your own programmaticaly:

                  ->update(['xml' => 'XMLFileString', 'UniqueValue' => 'CDK12345678']);


The package is quite simple to get started with. You can specify the database and table settings in the config file:

'databases' => [
        'IliadQA' => [
            'tables' => [
                'Consols' => [
                    'UpdateKey' => 'consolID',
                    'Columns' => [
                        'consolID' => ['uses' => 'TransportMaster.TransportMasterId', 'default' => 'Blabla'],
                        'firstLeg' => [],


Multidimensional XML tag parsing

Sometimes you might encounter nested XML tags with the same tag name, where you only need one of the tags. For example in the below example, we might only need the MasterBill tag:

    "TransportMasterId" => "CDK439089"
    "MasterBill" => "172-41625032"
    "BookingReference" => null
    "ExternalAgentReference" => "9,00"
    "PaymentType" => "PPD"
    "IsCancelled" => "false"
    "ProcessDirection" => "Export"
    "GAT" => "dk"
    "PPC" => "133346862"
    "Friday Flight" => "false"
    "Monday Flight" => "false"
    "Thursday Flight" => "false"
    "Tuesday Flight" => "false"
    "Wednesday Flight" => "false"

You can specify an index key in the config file, like so:

'master' => ['uses' => 'TransportMaster.TransportMasterReferences[Reference(::Type=@)]', 'index' => 'MasterBill'],

This will ultimately remove all other items in the array, and set master to the value of the MasterBill tag.

Please note, you can only specify an index one level down.

Applying parsing rules

You can specify different rules to the XML parser, which will be applied to the specific tag text value. For example:

  'firstLoadCountry' => ['uses' => 'TransportMaster.TransportStages.Stage[Locations.Location(::Type=Code)]', 'Index' => 'Loading', 'default' => '', 'Rule' => 'substring', 'Arguments' => ['start' => 0, 'end' => 2]],

This will ultimately apply the method substring($arguments) to the specific tag value.

The XML parsing rules is using orchestra/parser under the hood, and must be specified in this format. Example:

'uses' => 'TransportMaster.TransportMasterId', 'default' => 'Blabla'],

You can export the default config file by running this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="oliverbj\DatabaseUpdater\DatabaseUpdaterServiceProvider" --tag="config"


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email oliver.busk.jensen@dk.dsv.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.