
Parses and checks certain tags in an html markup given by either an url to fetch the markup from or the markup itself.

v1.2.4 2021-11-01 16:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:33:45 UTC


MarkupCheck is a composer package, which parses and checks certain tags in an html markup given by either an url to fetch the markup from or the markup itself.

Latest Stable Version Minimum PHP Version Type Coverage Semantic Versioning MIT license

Table of contents

  1. Getting started
    1. Requirements
    2. Installation
  2. Usage
    1. Basic
    2. Further
  3. Docker
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Setup
    3. Create and run docker container
    4. Unit tests
    5. Digging deeper
  4. Authors

Getting Started


  • Your local machine must run with at least PHP 8.0
  • Be sure to have composer installed


Use composer to download and install MarkupCheck.

You can add MarkupCheck as a local, per-project dependency to your project:

$ composer require oliver-noth/markupcheck

If you only need MarkupCheck during development, then you should add it as a development-time dependency:

$ composer require --dev oliver-noth/markupcheck



First instantiate a new markup checker

$factory = new \OliverNoth\MarkupCheck\Main\Factory();
$markupChecker = $factory->createHtmlMarkupChecker('https://getcomposer.org/');

then get the parsed tags

$parsedTags = $markupChecker->getParsedTags();

or render them as json


Parsed tags will be provided in an array (example shown below)

    'headings' => [
        'notes' => [
            'Markup contains exactly 1 first heading (h1 tag).',
        'tags' => [
            0 => [
                'name'  => 'h1',
                'rank'  => 1,
                'value' => 'First headline',
                'attributes' => [
                    'class'  => 'article',
    'anchors' => [
        'notes' => [
            'All anchors are linked correctly.',
        'tags' => [
          0 => [
              'name'  => 'a',
              'value' => 'Get your example here',
              'attributes' => [
                  'href'   => 'https://www.example.com',
                  'target' => '_blank',
                  'class'  => 'cta',
    'images' => [
        'notes' => [
            'All images seem to have either an alt attribute or a title attribute.',
        'tags' => [
          0 => [
              'name' => 'img',
              'attributes' => [
                  'src'   => 'https://www.example.com/image_01.jpg',
                  'alt'   => 'Image 01',
                  'class' => 'slider',


See example/basic-usage.php to get an idea on how to render parsed tags.


Set up a docker container on your local machine using ddev.



Install ddev (using Homebrew/Linuxbrew is recommended):

$ brew tap drud/ddev && brew install ddev

Create and cd into your project directory (replace folder name `<PATH-TO-YOUR-PROJECT-DIRECTORY>/my-project` according to your needs):

$ mkdir -p <PATH-TO-YOUR-PROJECT-DIRECTORY>/my-project

Create a new docker container

Configure a ddev docker container (replace project-name my-project according to your needs):

$ ddev config --project-name=my-project --project-type=php --php-version=8.0 --docroot="" --create-docroot --disable-settings-management --http-port=8088 --https-port=44388

Create configured container and clone composer package into it:
IMPORTANT: Eventually arising question `Warning: ALL EXISTING CONTENT of the project root (~/my-project) will be deleted` must be answered with 'yes'

$ ddev composer create oliver-noth/markup-check

Create index.php in document root of created container:

$ ddev exec chmod 755 example/write-index.sh && ddev exec ./example/write-index.sh

Finally start created container

$ ddev start

Once you have started the container, your project can be reached at `http://my-project.ddev.site:8088.<br> NOTE: Subdomain my-project` should be replaced with project-name you have chosen before.

Unit tests

This package is completely unit tested. You can run them in the created container:

$ ddev exec vendor/bin/phpunit

Displaying a code coverage summary needs enabling a code coverage driver. Use xdebug, check it and get the summary:

$ ddev xdebug
$ ddev xdebug status
$ ddev exec vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text

NOTE: Although code coverage is at 100%, maybe the container displays a smaller coverage.
Running it on your local machine (assuming a code coverage driver like xdebug is installed) in your project directory should display 100%. Working on a fix...

$ vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text

Digging deeper

For instance managing the webserver behaviour of the container acting as such could be done by entering the container:

$ ddev ssh

MORE: Complete documentation can be found at ddev.readthedocs.io
