
An easily-extensible php client for the Amazon Mechanical Turk API

v1.7.0 2017-02-23 21:31 UTC


An easily-extensible php client for the Amazon Mechanical Turk API

As you can probably tell, this is not a complete implementation. Feel free to contribute, but please reference the contribution guidelines below. Thank you!





Adding Operations

  1. Create a new class in src/OldTimeGuitarGuy/MechanicalTurk/Operations that extends from Base\Operation. The class name MUST be the exact name of the operation according to the documentation.
  2. Add an entry to the operations array in src/OldTimeGuitarGuy/MechanicalTurk/Requester.php. The key must be the camelcase version of the operation name.
  3. Add an entry to the documentation array in src/OldTimeGuitarGuy/MechanicalTurk/Exceptions/MechanicalTurkOperationException.php. The key must be the exact name of the operation according to the documentation.
  4. Create a new (passing) test class in tests/ that extends from OperationTestCase. The name of the class MUST be the exact name of the operation according to the documentation, followed by Test. (ex. tests/CreateHITTest.php) Reference the other tests for formatting examples.

When defining satisfiesRequirements, you can use the instance method isSetOn to easily determine the requirements.

NOTE: You should NOT include Operation as a requirement, as this will be set automatically during the request.