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Symfony2 Date Validator for Minimum and Maximum Constraints

dev-master 2013-08-29 12:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 15:28:43 UTC


A minimum and maximum date validator for Symfony2


Install this bundle as usual by adding to composer.json:

"oh/date-extra-validator-bundle": "dev-master"

Register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    return array(
        // ...
        new Oh\DateExtraValidatorBundle\OhDateExtraValidatorBundle(),


Add the constraints to your model

use Oh\DateExtraValidatorBundle\Validator\Constraints as OhAssert;

 * @ORM\Entity()
class Event
     * @ORM\Column(type="datetime") 
     * @OhAssert\DateExtra(min="-1 year", max="+1 year", intlTimeFormat=\IntlDateFormatter::NONE)
    protected $start_time;

Or in your yml (WARNING! untested - I use annotations)

            - Oh\DateExtraValidatorBundle\Validator\Constraints\DateExtra: {min="-1 year", max="+1 year", intlTimeFormat=\IntlDateFormatter::NONE}



When you validate your model through a form you should see the error messages as defined in Oh\DateExtraValidatorBundle\Validator\Constraints\DateExtra.

public $minMessage = 'You cannot choose a date before {{ min }}.';
public $maxMessage = 'You cannot choose a date after {{ max }}.';
public $invalidMessage = 'The date is invalid';

Each message can use {{ min }}, {{ max }} and {{ value }} so you can for example put:

 * @OhAssert\DateExtra(minMessage="The date you supplied, {{ value }}, should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}", min="-1 year", max="+1 year")

The format of the date in the error messages can be a normal date string or an IntlDateFormatter date.

 * @OhAssert\DateExtra(format="Y-m-d",min="-1 year", max="+1 year")
 * or
 * @OhAssert\DateExtra(intlDateFormat=\IntlDateFormatter::LONG, intlTimeFormat=\IntlDateFormatter::LONG, min="-1 year", max="+1 year")

For the UK timezone Europe/London the 2 examples above would output "You cannot choose a date before 2011-09-04." and "You cannot choose a date before September 4, 2011 8:10:34 PM GMT+01:00."

You can also set the timezone manually by specifying it in the constructor (eg timezone="Europe/London")

Valid values

The class can handle most date formats; \DateTime, array('year'=>2012,'month'=>9,'day'=>4), unix timestamp (eg 1346789811), string (eg 2012-09-04) or an object that returns one of these values in __toString()


Build Status


  • Ollie Harridge ollietb as main author.