
A UNI•Login (Web Service) Plugin for CakePHP

v1.0.0 2019-01-23 12:29 UTC


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This plugin communicates with the UNI•Login webservice (WS-02). This webservice provides basic information of UNI•Login users (by institution). This service doesn't require a signed agreement of the institution.


  • CakePHP 2.9.0 or greater.
  • PHP 7.0.0 or greater.


Clone/Copy the files in this directory into app/Plugin/UniLoginWebservice


Ensure the plugin is loaded in app/Config/bootstrap.php by calling:


Ensure to configure the following lines in app/Config/bootstrap.php:

Configure::write('UniLoginWebservice.wsBrugerid', 'wsBrugerid');
Configure::write('UniLoginWebservice.wsPassword', 'wsPassword');

Ensure to configure the following lines in app/Config/database.php:

public $uniLoginWebservice = [
	'datasource' => 'UniLoginWebservice.SoapSource',
	'wsdl' => 'https://ws02.infotjeneste.uni-c.dk/infotjeneste-ws/ws?WSDL'


Make UniLogin webservice available

public $uses = ['UniLoginWebservice.UniLogin'];

Make a "helloWorld" call


Make a "helloSOAPFaultDemo" call


Retrieve data of employees by calling "hentAnsatte"

$employees = $this->UniLogin->getEmployees($instid);

Retrieve detailed data of employees by calling "hentAnsatte" and "hentPerson" for every employee

$employees = $this->UniLogin->getEmployeesWithDetails($instid);

Retrieve data of an institution by calling "hentInstitution"

$institution = $this->UniLogin->getInstitution($instid);

Retrieve data of institutions where the user "brugerid" has a relation by calling "hentInstitutionsliste"

$institutions = $this->UniLogin->getInstitutions($brugerid);

Retrieve data of a person by calling "hentPerson"

$person = $this->UniLogin->getPerson($brugerid);

Retrieve data of students by calling "hentAlleElever"

$students = $this->UniLogin->getStudents($instid);

Retrieve detailed data of students by calling "hentAlleElever" and "hentPerson" for every student

$students = $this->UniLogin->getStudentsWithDetails($instid);