
Seeder for administrative territories (UAT - 'Unități Administrativ-Teritoriale) from Romania that uses wikidata

dev-master 2021-07-04 20:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-05 02:47:30 UTC


Seeder for administrative territories in Romania that uses wikidata


Use the composer cmd: composer require octavianparalescu/judete-orase-comune-sectoare-laravel-seeder:dev-master As you are probably using the seeder for development purposes, use the --dev option to save the package to require-dev: composer require octavianparalescu/judete-orase-comune-sectoare-laravel-seeder:dev-master --dev


Create a seeder that extends the UatSeeder class, define the table that needs seeding and the mappings from WikiData to your table's columns:


class CountiesSeeder extends OctavianParalescu\UatSeeder\UatSeeder
     * Seed the application's database.
     * @return void
    public function run()
        $table = 'counties';
        $mapping = [
            'countySirutaId' => 'id',
            'countyLabel' => 'name',
            'typesOfCountiesLabel' => 'type',
        $insertChunkSize = 200;

        $this->seed($table, $mapping, $insertChunkSize);

You can also use the seed() method multiple times in a single seeder (for example to seed both the counties and the cities):


class CountiesSeeder extends OctavianParalescu\UatSeeder\UatSeeder
     * Seed the application's database.
     * @return void
    public function run()
        $table = 'counties';
        $mapping = [
            'countySirutaId' => 'id',
            'countyLabel' => 'name',
            'typesOfCountiesLabel' => 'type',

        $this->seed($table, $mapping);

        $table = 'cities';
        $mapping = [
            'countySirutaId' => 'county_id',
            'townLabel' => 'name',
            'typesOfTownsLabel' => 'type',
            'sirutaId' => 'id',
        $insertChunkSize = 500;

        $this->seed($table, $mapping, $insertChunkSize);

                'countySirutaId' => 'county_id',
                'sirutaId' => 'city_id',
                'sateLabel' => 'name',
                'sateCoords' => 'coords',


As you can see the mappings are an array with the keys equal to flags defined by the seeder and the values being table columns defined in your migrations. The list of the flags is:

countyLabel - string
typesOfCountiesLabel - enum{diviziune administrativă de rangul întâi, județ}
countySirutaId - int
townLabel - string
typesOfTownsLabel - enum{comună, municipiu, oraș, sector al Bucureștiului}
sirutaId - int (town siruta id)
coords - string (format: Point(lat, long))
website - string
sateLabel - string
sateCoords - string (format: Point(lat, long))
sateSirutaId - int (village siruta id)


  • split coords to Lat/Long