
OAT Cache Health Check Library

1.1.0 2023-03-23 14:40 UTC


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PSR-6 cache health checker for the Health checks PHP library

Table of contents


$ composer require oat-sa/lib-health-check-cache


This library provides a CacheChecker checker in charge to check if the provided cache pool is reachable.



use OAT\Library\HealthCheck\HealthChecker;
use OAT\Library\HealthCheckCache\CacheChecker;
use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;

$healthChecker = new HealthChecker();

/** @var CacheItemPoolInterface $cache */
$cacheChecker = new CacheChecker($cache);

$results = $healthChecker

Note: The built-in UuidCacheKeyGenerator can accept a custom prefix. If not provided, a default prefix will be used.

Note: If you need a custom logic to generate the cache key, create your own key generator by implementing CacheKeyGeneratorInterface Make sure your generated key is unique enough.


To run tests:

$ vendor/bin/phpunit

Note: see phpunit.xml.dist for available test suites.