
A WordPress package for environment configuration.

Installs: 250

Dependents: 0

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Security: 0

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Watchers: 16

Forks: 1



A developer plugin for WordPress that sets constants and WordPress Options for an installation through a YAML configuration file and autoloads environment specific configuration scripts.


  • Define constants from a .yml file.
  • Set WordPress options from the same .yml file.
  • Optionally encrypt the .yml file secrets.
  • Autoload default .php configuration file.
  • Autoload environment specific .php configuration file.

Installation using Composer

$1 This package uses Composer Installers to install the package in the Must Use plugins directory (/wp-content/mu-plugins):

composer require nyco/wp-config

Not using Composer? Download an archive of the code and drop it into the mu-plugins directory.

$2 Create a proxy PHP loader file inside the mu-plugins directory, or use the one included with the plugin:

mv wp-content/mu-plugins/wp-config/autoloader-sample.php wp-content/mu-plugins/@config.php



Secure the config.yml file and env.php described below by A) using the encryption method to encrypt the secrets file and B) not checking either file into your site's source control.


The package comes with a sample config directory /config-sample. Copy the directory, place into the mu-plugins, and rename it to config.

mv wp-content/mu-plugins/wp-config/config-sample wp-content/mu-plugins/config

In the directory you'll find the following files:

default.php - This is the default configuration script for writing global configurations for your site.

development.php - This is a sample configuration script that would be required if you set the WP_ENV constant to development. You can add as many environments as you would like, but you need to set them (see below).

config.yml - This file will be automatically loaded and read for your different environments. For example:

    SOME_VAR: someVarHere

The SOME_VAR constant would be set for your development environment. It would be available to your WordPress plugins and themes through SOME_VAR or constant('SOME_VAR'). You can add as many environments as you would like, but you need to set them (see below). It is recommended to add the config.yml file to your .gitignore if you are storing private keys so they aren't committed to source control.

Setting your environment

Simply add the following to your wp-config.php to set your environment variable:

$_ENV['WP_ENV'] = 'development';
define('WP_ENV', $_ENV['WP_ENV']);

Setting WordPress Options

To set database options in the WordPress Installation, prefix the the variables in the config.yml file with WP_OPTION_. For example:

    WP_OPTION_SOME_VAR: someVarHere


The encryption method is optional. To utilize this method, you will need to generate a secret key to encrypt and decrypt your config.yml secrets.

  1. Clone or download the repository down and cd into the directory.
  2. Run php Secret.php. This will generate a new secret key in an env.php file.
  3. Place your config.yml from the mu-plugins/config directory you created into the same directory and run php Encrypt.php to encrypt the file.
  4. Add the env.php to the mu-plugins/wp-config plugin directory in your WordPress installation.
  5. Add the config.yml file back to the mu-plugins/config directory.

It is recommended to add the config.yml and env.php file to your .gitignore if you are storing private keys so they aren't committed to source control.


The action nyco_wp_config_loaded is fired after the default.php, environment.php, and config.yml file are loaded and variables are set.


Clone repository and create feature branch. Make changes and run composer run lint to follow the coding specification. composer run format can help fix some of the issues.

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