
core base messages

1.2 2021-08-16 07:05 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-27 15:55:54 UTC


library that provides multilingual export from specified file



require maatwebsite/excel >= ^3.1

$ composer require nta/messages


In your config/app.php add DevNta\Messages\NtaMessageProvider::class to the end of the providers array:

Publish config

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="DevNta\Messages\NtaMessageProvider" --tag="config"

Other Config

Use Lang

The default configuration of 2 languages is English and Japanese, if you want to add other languages, please add languages array of config nta_message.php.

Set name sheet of file for import each file

'sheet' => [
    'language' => [
    'validation' => ['validation']

Url file import

if you don't want to use angular file of library, please setting path_url_file in file config nta_message.php

Start import command

php artisan nta-message:generate

If success: The import process has been completed.

If failure: Import failed.

Publish lang

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="DevNta\Messages\NtaMessageProvider" --tag="lang"