A configuration programming language

1.7.0 2024-03-31 13:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-31 13:12:33 UTC


A sleek and efficient programming language. Experience the ease of use with its simple syntax, allowing you to work faster and smarter. Simplify your coding tasks and unleash your creativity with Novaxis.


  • ⚡ Empower Your Code with Lightning Speed - Speed is of the essence, and Novaxis understands that. Watch your projects leap from concept to reality faster than ever before.
  • 💡 Elegance in Every Line - With syntax that speaks the language of simplicity, Novaxis turns complexity into clarity. It’s time your ideas flowed as freely as they come to you.
  • 🚀 Efficiency Redefined - Efficiency isn’t just a feature; it’s our promise. With Novaxis, witness your productivity soar as your code does more with less.

The features listed are just the start. Novaxis offers a world of possibilities, inviting you to explore and uncover its full potential.

Getting Started

For more, refer to the Documentation.

To start using Novaxis, follow these simple steps:

  • Install the Novaxis interpreter on your system.
  • Create a new .novaxis or .nov or .nvx file or open an existing one.
  • Write your Novaxis code using the intuitive syntax.
  • Execute your code with the Novaxis interpreter to see the results.

Example code

? auto
    title: "On the Origin of Time"
    author: "Thomas Hertog"
    publishedYear: 2023

You can see more examples in examples directory.


For comprehensive information on Novaxis's syntax, features, and usage, refer to the Documentation.


composer require novaxis-language/novaxis
cd vendor/novaxis-language/novaxis
make install


novaxis --help
novaxis -f test.novaxis --print


License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
This project is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, allowing you to use the language.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at novaxis-language@proton.me.

Feature Requests and Feedback

Have an idea, feature request, or feedback for Novaxis? Visit our Canny board to submit and vote on ideas, or to leave your feedback.

Reporting a bug

For bug reports in Novaxis, please visit our Issues page. Include relevant details for review. Contributions are appreciated.

Happy coding with Novaxis! 🚀

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Copyright © 2023 Novaxis.