Erase personal data plugin for Sylius.

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 06:48:52 UTC


This plugin allows customers to request their personal data to be erased from a Sylius store, and for the store administrator to do this.


  1. Install the package via composer:
     $ composer require
  2. Update config/bundles.php:

     return [
     Nordcode\SyliusErasePersonalDataPlugin\NordcodeSyliusErasePersonalDataPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
  3. Update your Customer model class to implement our CustomerInterface:

     use Nordcode\SyliusErasePersonalDataPlugin\Entity\CustomerInterface;
     use Nordcode\SyliusErasePersonalDataPlugin\Entity\CustomerTrait;
     class Customer extends BaseCustomer implements CustomerInterface
         use CustomerTrait;
  4. Include plugin routes in your route configuration (e.g. config/routes.yaml):

         resource: "@NordcodeSyliusErasePersonalDataPlugin/Resources/config/admin_routing.yaml"
         prefix: /admin
         resource: "@NordcodeSyliusErasePersonalDataPlugin/Resources/config/shop_routing.yaml"
  5. Copy and execute the migrations from src/Migrations/:
     $ cp vendor/* src/Migrations/
     $ bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

    Note: If you are running it on production, add the -e prod flag to this command.


Note: When erasing personal data, an attempt will be made to delete the customer and their respective user altogether.

The plugin adds a new route for customers to request their data to be removed. How this is handled is configurable: either all data may be erased immediately, or the newly added erasureRequestedAt field updated to current timestamp.

Also an admin route is added, which allows the store administrator to erase customer's personal data when necessary. This may be done from customer's profile page. In addition, the customer grid is extended with an additional column and filter.

Erasure is done in steps and it's possible to hook to each step, or even cancel it entirely. Have a look at src/Services/PersonalDataEraser.php and the src/Event/* to see how it works.