
Boilerplate setup for creating a new jinitialize plugin.

dev-master 2020-10-02 14:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 19:56:52 UTC


Boilerplate setup for creating a new jinitialize plugin.


composer create-project nonetallt/jinitialize-plugin [project name]

Composer setup

In order for your plugin to be registered in a jinitialize project, you must define the plugin information in the extra section of your composer.json file.

extra: {
    "jinitialize-plugin": {
        "name": "MyPlugin",
        "commands": [
        "procedures": [
        "settings": [


The name of the plugin. This will be used as the namespace for commands exported by this plugin so making it short is preferable.


An array including fully qualified names of the command classes you wish this plugin to export.


An array including all the filepaths from the root of the project to the procedure files you wish this plugin to export.


An array of strings that the user of this plugin can define in their jinitialize .env file. Settings are useful for defining commonly used default values instead of prompting the user for input each time. Examples of settings could be along the lines of "defaultUser" and "defaultPassword".

Keeping the commands section up to date

You can use the following command to automatically export all of the command classes in the src/Commands folder to your composer.json file:

vendor/bin/robo update:commands


The JinitializeCommand class extends from Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command and defines a couple of useful helpers you might need when creating your own subclasses.

use Nonetallt\Jinitialize\Plugin\JinitializeCommand;

class ExampleCommand extends JinitializeCommand
    protected function configure()
        $this->setHelp('extended description here');
    protected function handle($input, $output, $style)
        // Run code on command execution
        // Ask for user input, suggest default value of 'World'
        $name = $style->ask('What is your name?', 'World');
        $style->title("Hello $name!");
        $this->export('userName', $name);
    public function revert()
        // Revert changes made by handle if possible
    public function recommendsRoot()
        // bool, wether command should be executed with administrative priviliges
        return false;

abort(string $message);

Stops the execution of the comand by throwing Nonetallt\Jinitialize\Exceptions\CommandAbortedException. The procedure running the command will then attempt to revert executed commands by calling their revert() method.


Return true if the command object is registered as a part of a procedure, otherwise return false.


Implemented from the command class. Used to define basic command information, input options and arguments.

export(string $key, $value);

Stores a given key - value pair to the application container. This should be used to give other plugins access to useful values defined by the command. For example, a database plugin might define a command for creating a new database and then export the name of the created database so it can be later used for defining database name in the settings of an application.


Get the name of the plugin this command is registered by.


Get an instance of Nonetallt\Jinitialize\Plugin\ShellUser. The class has following helper methods:

  • isRoot()
  • getName()
  • getInfo()
  • getId()

handle($input, $output, $style);

The main method for code execution when the command is ran. The parameters gives you access to Symfony console I/O. For examples on the I/O usage, please check out the symfony console documentation.

import(string $key);

Get a value stored in the application container. Imported values should only be used as default options or suggestions, given that they can be null if the commands from a given plugin haven't been executed yet. Values can only be imported from within the same plugin. Use placeholder paramters or env instead for cross plugin import purposes.


This method should return an array with classnames of commands that should be executed before running this command. Users will receive notification about recommended values when running the command either standalone or as part of a process that does not execute the recommended methods before this method.


This method should return an array with classnames of commands that must be executed before running this command. Trying to execute a process with this command that does not execute the required commands before this method will throw an exception. Trying to execute this command outside of a procedure will throw an exception.


To test running the commands in your plugin, you can use the extended PHPunit TestCase class from the jinitialize-core. Use the registerLocalPlugin($pathToComposer) to register the plugin defined in your composer.json file. Don't forget to call the parent method if you override either setUp() or tearDown() methods of TestCase.


namespace Tests\Unit;

use Nonetallt\Jinitialize\Testing\TestCase;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase
    public function testExample()
        // The arguments and options accepted by the command
        $args = [
            'arg1'      => 'value',
            'arg2'      => 'value',
            '--option1' => 'value'
        // The values the user would input in order they are asked for by the command
        $input = [
        // Running commands by class name
        $this->runCommand(ExampleCommand::class, $args, $input);
        // Running commands using their method signature
        $this->runCommand('plugin:command', [], $input);
    protected function setUp()


  • runCommand(string $command, array $args = [], array $input = []);
  • runCommandsAsProcedure(array $commands, array $args = [], array $input = []);

Commands passed to both runCommand and runCommandsAsProcedure can either be the fully qualified classname or a method call using the same syntax as when using jinitialize regularly.

$this->runCommand(MyCommand::class, ['arg1' => 1, '--option1' => 2]);
$this->runCommand('plugin:command 1 --option1=2');

The $args parameter should only be used when $command or $commands are Classnames. When command is a signature call, the parameters of the call will be used instead and $args will be ignored.


The extended TestCase class has currently the following custom assertions:

  • assertContainerEquals(array $data)
  • assertContainerContains(array $data)

These can be used to define the state of exported variables.