
A collection of common PHP 7 libraries

1.0.0 2018-03-20 05:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-12 20:16:02 UTC


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A collection of common libraries for PHP 7.1+.


Use Composer to install php7-common into your project.

composer require nonamephp/php7-common

Included Libraries

  • Noname\Arr
  • Noname\Collection
  • Noname\Str
  • Noname\Validator


A helper library for working with arrays.

Arr Methods

static flatten(array $array, string $separator = '.') : array

Flatten an associative array using a custom separator. This method will use a dot (.) for $separator by defult.

static dot(array $array) : array

Alias for Arr::flatten() that always uses a dot (.) separator.

static each(array $array, callable $callable) : array

Recursively assign the callable's return value to each array item. Array keys are preserved.

use Noname\Arr;

$values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// @return [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
$values_doubled = Arr::each($values, function ($value) {
    return $value * 2;


Create a Collection with an associative array to provide helpful methods for working with your data.

Collection implements the following interfaces: Countable, ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, Serializable, JsonSerializable

Usage Example

use Noname\Collection;

$userData = [
    'user_id' => 100,
    'user_name' => 'John Doe',
    'user_email' => ''

$collection = new Collection($userData);

// output: ''
echo $collection->get('user_email');

Collection Methods

__construct(array $items = []) : Collection

Creates an instance of Collection. Optionally pass an associative array for $items to prefill the collection with items.

static make(...$arrays) : Collection

Make a collection from one or more arrays.

set(string $key, mixed $value) : void

Add an item to the collection. If $key already exists in the collection it will be overwritten.

get(string|array $key, mixed $default = null) : mixed

Get an item from the collection. Returns $default if item not found.

Passing an array of item keys for the value of $key will result in multiple items being returned as an array. Keys that are missing from the collection will be returned with a value of $default.

has(string $key) : bool

Check if the collection has an item with same $key.

is(string $key, mixed $value, mixed $operater = null) : bool

Compare an item's value against $value. By default, the method will check if the item's value is equal to $value. Optionally, you may supply an $operator to change the comparison logic.

Supported $operator values: =, ==, ===, >, >=, <, <=, <>, !=

Note: = and == are the same, but === is will perform a strict comparison. <> and != are the same.

pluck(string $key, mixed $default = null) : mixed

Pluck an item from the collection. If $key doesn't exist in the collection then $default will be returned.

delete(string $key) : void

Remove an item from the collection.

destroy() : void

Remove all items from the collection.

count() : int

Returns the count of all of the items in the collection.

keys() : array

Returns an array containing the keys of all of the items in the collection.

values() : array

Returns an array containing the values of all of the items in the collection.

all() : array

Alias for toArray().

toArray() : array

Returns an array of all of the items in the collection.

toJson() : string

Returns collection as JSON.

flatten() : array

Flatten all of the items in the collection using dot (.) notation.


A helper library for working with strings.

Str Methods

static startsWith(string $string, string $prefix, bool $caseSensitive = true) : bool

Checks if string starts with given prefix. By default this method is case-sensitive.

static endsWith(string $string, string $suffix, bool $caseSensitive = true) : bool

Checks if string ends with given prefix. By default this method is case-sensitive.

static equals(string $a, string $b, bool $caseSensitive = true) : bool

Checks if two strings equal each other. By default this method is case-sensitive.

static contains(string $string, string $search, bool $caseSensitive = true) : bool

Checks if string contains another string. By default this method is case-sensitive.

static toArray(string $string) : array

Splits a string into an array containing each character.


Use Validator to validate your data based on a set of rules.

Usage Example
use Noname\Validator;

// Data to be validated
$data = [
    'customer_id' => 100,
    'customer_email' => ''

// Validation rules
$rules = [
    'customer_id' => 'int',  // customer_id MUST be an integer
    'customer_email' => 'email' // customer_email MUST be an email address

// Create Validator
$validator = new Validator($data, $rules);

// Validate data using rules
// @return bool
$valid = $validator->validate();

if ($valid) {
    echo 'Data passed validation!';
} else {
    $errors = $validator->getErrors();

Built-in Validation Types

  • *, any Always pass validation for any data type
  • null Validate that value is null
  • bool, boolean Validate that value is boolean
  • scalar Validate that value is scalar (integer, float, string or boolean)
  • str, string Validate that value is string
  • num, numeric Validate that value is numeric
  • int, integer Validate that value is integer
  • float, double Validate that value is float/double
  • alnum, alphanumeric Validate that value only contains alpha-numeric characters
  • alpha Validate that value only contains alpha characters
  • arr, array Validate that value is array
  • object Validate that value is object
  • callable Validate that value is callable
  • email Validate that value is a valid email address
  • ip Validate that value is either of IPv4 or IPv6
  • ipv4 Validate that value is IPv4
  • ipv6 Validate that value is IPv6
  • date, datetime Validate that value is date/datetime
  • resource Validate that value is a resource
  • stream Validate that value is a stream
  • dir, directory Validate that value is a directory
  • file Validate that value is a file

Hint: Adding [] to any type (e.g. int[]) will validate an array of values.

Validator Methods

__construct(array $values, array $rules) : Validator

Create an instance of Validator.

addType(string $typeName, array $typeRule) : void

Add a custom validator type. The following example will add a type of equals_2 which validates that the value is equal to 2 and will set an error otherwise.

use Noname\Validator;

// Data to be validated
$values = ['a' => 3];

// Validation rules
$rules = ['a' => ['type' => 'equals_2']];

// Create Validator
$validator = new Validator($values, $rules);

// Add custom 'equals_2' type
$validator->addType('equals_2', [
    'validator' => function ($value, $rule, $validator) {
        $valid = $value === 2;
        if (!$valid) {
            $validator->setError($rule['name'], 'Value does not equal 2');
        return $valid;

// Validate data using rules
// @return bool
$valid = $validator->validate();

if ($valid) {
    echo 'Data passed validation!';
} else {
    $errors = $validator->getErrors();

Note: Custom types must be added prior to calling validate() or an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.

addValue(string $name, mixed $value) : void

Add value to dataset that is to be validated.

addValues(array $values) : void

Add multiple values to dataset that is to be validated.

values() : array

Returns an array of the values that are set to be validated.

addRule(string $name, mixed $rule) : void

Add a rule to the validator.

addRules(array $rules) : void

Add multiple rules to the validator.

rules() : array

Returns an array of the rules that are set for validation.

validate() : bool

Validate the set data based on the set rules.

hasErrors() : bool

Checks if any errors were set during validation.

getErrors() : array

Returns an array of the errors that were set during validation.

static is(string $type, mixed $value) : bool

Static method to check if $value is valid $type. You can pass any of the built-in validator types for $type.

This method is useful when validating a single value.

use Noname\Validator;

Validator::is('string', 'Hello world!'); // @return true
Validator::is('integer', 'Hello world!'); // @return false
static is{Type}(mixed $value) : bool

Similar to is(), except type is passed in the method name.

use Noname\Validator;

Validator::isString('Hello world!'); // @return true
Validator::isInteger('Hello world!'); // @return false

Note: These methods are case-sensitive. If you are having issues it is recommended that you use is() instead.