
Simple search extension via DataObjects in Silverstripe

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0.0.1 2022-10-12 12:11 UTC

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Last update: 2024-07-05 11:12:41 UTC


Silverstripe Search Hero

Simple search extension via DataObjects in Silverstripe


Before dev/build: app/_config/searchhero.yml

!!!You need an Link function on your own DataObjects!!!

To reset the search index (task) list all classes kw\searchhero\CreateSearchIndex: Classes: - my\data\MyClass

extend your classes:

my\data\MyClass: extensions: - kw\searchhero\SearchHeroExtension searchHero: OutputTitle: My_Title_Issue_in_search Fields: - Searchable_field_1 - Searchable_field_2

Call task to re-index all data: dev/tasks/CreateSearchIndex