
DataTables integration on Elgg

5.14 2023-06-06 14:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-06 18:26:36 UTC


Elgg 5.0

DataTables integration on Elgg. This plugin offers an API which can be used from other plugins on Elgg platforms in order to populate information in data tables.

DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement and offers advanced interaction controls to any HTML table.

The plugin for Elgg offers the following options:

  • Create a simple DataTable by loading all records (not suggested for large data set).
  • Get records from database by using ajax requests.
  • Use server-side options that DataTables provides, so all paging, searching and ordering actions are being made by using ajax requests to get the required data.
  • Add export buttons such as copy, csv, pdf and print, if enabled in settings.

As a usage example you can see the Elgg Entity Lists which uses the datatables_api plugin for generating lists of Elgg entities.


Use composer to install this plugin. On site root folder, run the command:

composer require nlybe/datatables_api

How to Use

Example 1 - Use ajax request and Server-side processing

$dt_options = [
    'action' => 'demoplugin/users',

$dt_options['headers'] = [ 
    ['name' => 'id', 'label' => elgg_echo('ID')],
    ['name' => 'name', 'label' => elgg_echo('Name')],
    ['name' => 'username', 'label' => elgg_echo('Username')],
    ['name' => 'email', 'label' => elgg_echo('Email')],
    ['name' => 'created', 'label' => elgg_echo('Created')],
    ['name' => 'updated', 'label' => elgg_echo('Updated')],
    ['name' => 'actions', 'label' => elgg_echo('Actions')],

echo elgg_view('datatables_api/dtapi_ajax', $dt_options);

On 'views/default/resources/demoplugin/users.php' use the following code:

$search = get_input('search');

$options = array(
    'type' => 'user',
    'limit' => 0,
    'count' => true,

$options["joins"] = [];
$options["wheres"] = [];
$dbprefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix');
if ($search && !empty($search['value'])) {
    $query = $search['value'];

    array_push($options["joins"], "JOIN {$dbprefix}users_entity ge ON e.guid = ge.guid");
    array_push($options["wheres"], "( LIKE '%$query%' OR ge.username LIKE '%$query%' OR LIKE '%$query%')");

$totalEntries = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

$options['count'] = false;
$options['limit'] = max((int) get_input("length", elgg_get_config('default_limit')), 0);
$options['offset'] = get_input ("start", 0);
$entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);

$dt_data = [];
if ($entities) {    
    foreach ($entities as $e) {
        $dt_data_tmp = [];
        // datatable 
        $dt_data_tmp['id'] = $e->getGUID();
        $dt_data_tmp['name'] = elgg_view('output/url', array(
            'href' => $e->getURL(),
            'text' => $e->name,
            'title' => elgg_echo('entity_lists:admin:elgg_objects:view_entity'),
            'is_trusted' => true,
        $dt_data_tmp['username'] = elgg_view('output/url', array(
            'href' => $e->getURL(),
            'text' => $e->username,
            'title' => elgg_echo('entity_lists:admin:elgg_objects:view_entity'),
            'is_trusted' => true,
        $dt_data_tmp['email'] = $e->email;
        $dt_data_tmp['created'] = date("r", $e->time_created);
        $dt_data_tmp['updated'] = date("r", $e->time_updated);
        $dt_data_tmp['actions'] = elgg_view('output/url', array(
            'href' => "action/entity/delete?guid={$e->getGUID()}",
            'text' => elgg_view_icon('remove'),
            'title' => elgg_echo('delete:this'),
            'is_action' => true,
            'data-confirm' => elgg_echo('deleteconfirm'),

        array_push($dt_data, $dt_data_tmp);       

$total_rows = count($entities);
$draw = get_input('draw');
$result = [
    'draw' => isset($draw)?intval($draw):1,
    'recordsTotal' => $totalEntries,
    'recordsFiltered' => $totalEntries,
    'data' => $dt_data,

// release variables

echo json_encode($result);

Example 2

The sample code below will display a DataTable with 3 columns. It's suggested for small about of records only.

// set an array with titles of table
$vars['dt_titles'] = array(

// set an array with data of table
$dt_data = [];
$entities = elgg_get_entities($options);
foreach (entities as $e) {
    $dt_data_tmp = [];
    $dt_data_tmp['guid'] = $e->getGUID();
    $dt_data_tmp['title'] = $e->title;
    $dt_data_tmp['likes'] = calculate_likes($e);

    array_push($dt_data, $dt_data_tmp);    
$vars['dt_data'] = $dt_data;
echo elgg_view('datatables_api/datatables_api', $vars);

Future Tasks List

  • Make a class for datatables, so all parameters will be passed by using methods of this class
  • Integrate more options from DataTables like styling, search by column etc
  • Fix ordering when use server-side options