
LogDNA handler for Monolog

2.1.5 2020-07-21 14:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-13 12:43:26 UTC


Monolog backend for logdna. This backend use logdna ingestion api.

Reason for the Fork

As everyone can see, this fork still uses the underlying curl implementation rather than Http/Guzzle way of Laravel. (which uses curl aswell, but you know...) I needed a fast, but timeout-configurable solution, so i went for a fork and adding the usual env/config handling.

Maybe i will change the curl impl to a more laravely way - but as time is always tight it might take a while.


Install with compose composer require nlappe/monolog-logdna-laravel.


In yout config->logging.php add this to your 'channels' array:

    'logdna' => [
        'driver' => 'monolog',
        'level' => 'debug',
        'handler' => Nlappe\Monolog\Handler\LogdnaHandler::class,
        'handler_with' => [
            'ingestion_key' => env('LOG_DNA_API_KEY'),
            'hostname' => config(''),
        'formatter' => 'default',  // ##### does not work without this!

Then configure it to be used. E.g. add it to the stack channel as an additional log target.

'channels' => [
    'stack' => [
        'driver' => 'stack',
        'channels' => ['single', 'logdna'],
        'ignore_exceptions' => false,


To modify the curl timeouts create the follwoing keys in your logging.php config file:
return [
'curl_connect_timeout' => env('CURL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT', 3),
'curl_request_timeout' => env('CURL_REQUEST_TIMEOUT', 5),

curl_connect_timeout is responsible for the connection timeout. If curl doesnt receive any bytes in the given amount of seconds it will throw an error. curl_request_timeout is responsible for the request timeout. if the request takes longer than the specified time in seconds, it will abort and throw an error.


This project is licensed under LGPL3.0. See LICENSE file for details.


Version 1.x is php5 compatible version while 2.x is php7.


To test the project, simply call make or make test. Everything runs in docker container.


To clean your system, call make clean. Take note that if you use the same docker images as this project, you might not want to clean. Read the Makefile for more information.