
Laravel starter kit with admin

1.0.1 2017-09-22 11:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 04:07:54 UTC




What's inside?

  • Laravel 5.5 dev version

  • Fix "1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes" error

  • Move Uses Model to Models folder and App\Models namespace

  • santigarcor/laratrust:4.0.* and setup it

  • barryvdh/laravel-debugbar:~3.0

  • make:auth

  • spatie/laravel-backup:dev-laravel-55 and setup it

  • Russian traslatian for default Laravel lang files

  • php artisan preset none

  • barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper and setup it

  • AdminLTE integration

  • Include external Bootstrap (from npm)

  • Some app.layouts, home and welcome blade file changes

  • Add less css to webpack

  • Create resources

  • Add actions view part with show/delete/edit/create new/return to index buttons to easy use in other views

AdminLTE integration

Integration of starter.html to laravel blade's files
  • Create views and slice to parth like header, footer, sidebars etc.
  • Create some layouts like default starter layout and auth layout
  • Modify webpack.js to copy admin-lte plugins, images, css, js
Create additional auth views
  • Merge AdminLTE login and register html with Laravel make:auth views
  • Additionaly create password reset and password email views with Laravel make:auth views and on the base AdminLTE login html
  • Localize auth views (add @lang on blade templates and create admin-lte localization file)
  • Localize some admin-lte strings like sign out
  • Add ru translation
Other small things
  • Add CSRF token to forms
  • Make Sign Out button workable
  • Change name to {{ Auth::user()->name }} (your name)
  • Edit company name in footer
  • Include external Bootstrap, iCheck and other libraries from npm

Create resources

  • Create Role and Permission models
  • Create User, Role and Permission controllers and requests
  • Create User, Role and Permission views
  • Add some translations


Via Composer

  1. composer create-project njxqlus/getlaravel myproject

  2. npm install

  3. Setup database

  4. php artisan migrate

Via git clone

  1. git clone https://github.com/njxqlus/getlaravel-admin.git myproject

  2. Copy and rename .env.example to .env

  3. php artisan key:generate

  4. composer install

  5. npm install

  6. Setup database

  7. php artisan migrate

Backups Setup

  1. Setup MYSQLDUMP_PATH in .env file for MySQL backups

  2. Setup CRON on server like: * * * * * php /path/to/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

IDE Helper Setup

  1. php artisan ide-helper:meta

  2. php artisan ide-helper:model

  3. php artisan ide-helper:generate


Let's build something awesome!

Admin based on /cp route

What's next?

  • Setup permissions
