
Handle AWS SNS subscription requests and messages

v1.1.0 2021-09-02 15:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 07:23:18 UTC


This package provides an easy way of adding AWS SNS message handling to your Laravel application as a REST endpoint. The package can automatically confirm subscription requests and dispatches events when a message is received.

How to create an SNS topic

The creation of the AWS SNS topic is outside the scope of this package. Please refer to the AWS documentation for creating a topic.

How to add SNS Handler to your Application

Use composer to require the package:

composer require nipwaayoni/laravel-aws-sns

Note that this package only supports versions of Laravel under active support. At this time that includes Laravel 6 (LTS) and Laravel 8 or higher.

Handling events

Please review the Laravel documentation on Events.. You will need to write a listener to handle the events associated with the ARNs you register. Your listener class must handle the appropriate event, SnsMessageReceived by default. (See the section on dispatching events for more options.) Your listener must then be registered in the EventServiceProvider as mentioned in the Events documentation:

use Nipwaayoni\SnsHandler\Events\SnsMessageReceived;
use App\Listeners\MySnsMessageHandler;

* The event listener mappings for the application.
* @var array
  protected $listen = [
    SnsMessageReceived::class => [

In your listener, the handle method will receive an SnsMessageReceived object which can be used to access the SnsMessage.

public function handle(SnsMessageReceived $event)
   $message = $event->message();
   // do stuff with message
   $content = $message->content();

The message content will always be a string. You are responsible for any deserialization or other steps required to interpret the message content.

Dispatching specific events for specific ARNs

This package supports dispatching your own specific events (both subscription and notification events) for messages from specific topics. The mapping of message ARNs to Event classes is done in the config/sns-handler.php configuration file of your application (ensure this is published if it does not exist in your project).

The map keys must be a resolvable class which provides an event dispatch method (typically done by using the Illuminate\Foundation\Events\Dispatchable trait). The value of each map key must be an array of one or more AWS SNS topic ARNs. Each ARN should appear only once in the map.

return [
    'confirmation-events' => [
        MyApp\Events\SnsConfirmationRequestReceived::class => ['arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:AlphaTopic'],
        Nipwaayoni\SnsHandler\Events\SnsConfirmationRequestReceived::class => ['*']
    'message-events' => [
        MyApp\Events\SnsMessageAlphaReceived::class => ['arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:AlphaTopic'],
        MyApp\Events\SnsMessageBetaReceived::class => [
        Nipwaayoni\SnsHandler\Events\SnsMessageReceived::class => ['*'],

Note that the map is parsed in order, so the first match found in the list will be the class dispatched.

Note that a default event class is not required, but if a matching event cannot be found in the map, a 404 will be returned if a message is sent using that ARN.

Write a feature test to test the expected SNS feature

The SnsHttpTestHelperTrait facilitates testing. Use the trait in your test to make testing your application easier.

Sample test:

use Nipwaayoni\Tests\SnsHandler\SnsHttpTestHelperTrait;

public function testSnsRequestMapping(): void
    $data = "Bob";

Message signature validation

SNS messages are signed and should be validated before being processed. This package will perform that validation on your behalf and reject messages which cannot be validated. Because message signature validation requires cryptographically correct attributes in the message, submitting test messages without an actual SNS topic is a problem. In those cases, you can disable this validation by adding the following to your .env:


Important! Message validation should never be disabled in your production application. Only use this option to disable validation for testing purposes.

How do I send SNS messages to my app?

This package adds a route (/api/sns/message) to handle SNS requests. The SNS message route responds to POST requests and expects content consistent with an SNS message from AWS. Note that because this is an api route, any API middleware you have applied in your application will affect this route.

You can find examples of both subscription confirmation and notification message HTTP requests here.

The message content of an SNS message must be provided as a string value. If your payload is something other than a simple string (e.g. an array or some other sort of object), you will need to serialize your data before sending it using something like json_encode().

POSTing directly to your app

Amazon has an example of a POST request available here. You can add your serialized message in the message field. Note that manually POSTed messages cannot be validated (See above to disable message validation). We recommend only attempting this during testing, never in your production environment.

How to subscribe your endpoint in AWS

You will use the full URL to the message handling route when subscribing to your topic. The route will be {Your application's base URL}/api/sns/message. Follow these instructions to subscribe your endpoint using HTTPS.

This package is configured to automatically respond to all SNS subscription confirmation requests sent to its endpoint. This can be disabled by adding the following to your .env file:


Note: You will only be able to subscribe your endpoint if it can be reached from the AWS SNS service (i.e. the public internet).


This package is expected to work with supported versions of Laravel, including LTS releases. During development, you should be sure to run tests and validate expected behaviors under different releases. Since we use the orchestra/testbench package, you can easily switch between installed Laravel framework releases using composer:

# Laravel 6
composer require --dev orchestra/testbench:^4.0 -W
# Laravel 8
composer require --dev orchestra/testbench:^6.0 -W

New releases of Laravel should be added to the GitHub workflow matrix in .github/workflows/run-tests.yml.