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Allows to create pseudo-Eloquent models, which are fetched via API from remote server

1.0.5 2022-08-30 06:31 UTC


Allows to create pseudo-Eloquent models, which are fetched via API from remote server


composer require nikserg/laravel-api-model

In config/database.php add

return [
    'connections' => [
        'api_fruits' => [
            'driver'  => 'api',
            'baseUri' => env('API_FRUITS_HOST', ''),
            'verify'  => false,


use nikserg\LaravelApiModel\ApiModel;
class Banana extends ApiModel
    protected $connection = 'api_fruits';
    protected $table = 'bananas';

And then all Eloquent functions are available as usual.


If remote server requires some sort of HTTP-authorization (for ex. JWT-token), you need to pass configuratorClass parameter to config. This must be a FQDN of class implementing \nikserg\LaravelApiModel\GuzzleConfigurator interface. modifyConfig method of this class will be called before first request, so it can modify array, which would be passed to new \GuzzleHttp\Client($config).

Example of such config:

'api_fruits' => [
    'driver'       => 'api',
    'baseUri'      => 'baseUri' => env('API_FRUITS_HOST', ''),
    'verify'       => false,
    'configurator' => \App\Models\GuzzleConfigurator::class,

Example of class (JWT-token authorization):

class GuzzleConfigurator implements \nikserg\LaravelApiModel\GuzzleConfigurator
    public static function modifyConfig(array $config): array
        $user = auth()->user();
        $config['headers'] = [
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $user->getJwtToken(),
        return $config;