
Extends the Pimple DIC with auto wiring features

0.1.0 2018-03-17 11:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 16:03:00 UTC


Extends Pimple v3.* with auto wiring features.

Auto wiring means

  • Automatic class resolving
  • Constructor injection
  • Automatic class instantiation



namespace Xyz;

include dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use \Niirrty\PimpleWired\WiredContainer;

class Foo
   public function __toString() : string
      return '!';

class User

   protected $_name;
   protected $_foo;

   public function __construct( string $name, Foo $foo )
      $this->_foo  = $foo;
      $this->_name = $name;

   public function __toString() : string
      return $this->_name . $this->_foo;


class Hello

   /** @type \Xyz\User */
   protected $_user;

   public function __construct( User $world )
      $this->_user = $world;

   public function output()
      \printf( 'Hello %s', $this->_user );


$container = new WiredContainer(
      'resolve_namespaces' => []

      '\Xyz\User' => [ 'World' ]

$container[ '\Xyz\Hello' ]->output();

Disable "Auto Resolve"

If you not want to use the auto resolve feature, you can disable it by:

$container->setAutoResolve( false );

The "Create Args"

This are the parameters, passed/injected as constructor parameters for parameters where NO type hint to a class is declared.

If the constructor of a specific, required class only define params with type hints of classes, there is no need to pass some create args:

   public function __construct( Foo $foo, Bar $bar ) //…

But if one or more params not uses a type hint or a type hint to some other no class types

   public function __construct( Foo $foo, string $something, Bar $bar, $blub = null ) //…

you must "pre define" the required params $something always and $blub optionally

if the class is \Xyz\Baz define it with

      '\Xyz\Baz' => [ 'Something value', 'Optional blub value' ]
  • 'Something value' is passed to the $something parameter
  • 'Optional blub value' is passed to the $blub parameter

The order must be the same like defined by constructor params!

If there is the need to pass values to params with a type hint class

   public function __construct( Foo $foo, \DateTime $dateTime, Bar $bar, $blub = null ) //…

be free to use it:

      '\Xyz\Baz' => [ new \DateTime(), 'Optional blub value' ]

Resolve namespaces

If you want to access your classes also without explicit namespace declaration you have to define it as a resolve namespace like:

$container->setResolveNamespaces( [ '\Xyz' ] );

So no \Xyz\Baz must be used:

      'Baz' => [ new \DateTime(), 'Optional blub value' ]


Aliases are used to map interfaces to concrete class implementations of the interface.

$container->setAliases( [ '\Xyz\FooInterface' => '\Xyz\Foo' ] );