
Package for using YousignApi with laravel > 7.x

2.0.2 2022-03-28 14:27 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 05:04:24 UTC


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It's a library for Laravel 7 and PHP7 Not tested on previous version.

Library to use YouSign API from doc ( with Laravel


Install using composer

Now require the lib

composer require nidrax69/yousign-api-laravel

Add provider in

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'YousignApiLaravel' => Nidrax69\YousignApiLaravel\Facade\YousignApiLaravel::class,

Complete informations inside your .env file (contact YouSign to get Credentials) and then



Create Procedure with webhooks , files and members

use Nidrax69\YousignApiLaravel\YousignApiLaravel;

class DocumentController extends Controller

  public function sign(Request $request) {
    $client = new YousignApiLaravel();

    // see all possibilities at
    $client->setProcedureKeyValue('name', 'Yousign');
    $client->setProcedureKeyValue('description', 'Description procedure');
    // to set default expiration date to the signature
    $client->setProcedureKeyValue('expiresAt', '2022-04-24');

    // add webhooks 
    // you can add different headers
    $webhookUrl = env('API_URL') . 'yousign/';
    $client->addWebhook('member.finished', $webhookUrl . 'signature', 'GET', array(
        "X-Custom-Header" => $type . '-signature',
    $client->addWebhook('procedure.refused', $webhookUrl . 'refused', 'GET', array(
        "X-Custom-Header" => $type . '-signature',
    // procedure created but not ready for signature
    $procedure = $client->createProcedure();

    // Allows you to define the content of SMS. {{code}} will be used to define the security code managed by Yousign.
    // up to 150 characters
    $client->addSmsContent('DIGITAL SIGNATURE - {{code}} is your security code to sign your documents.');

    // add files to procedure
    $file = $client->addFile($namefile, $document->url, $procedure['id']);

    // add member to sign the documents
    $member = $client->addMember($user->firstname, $user->lastname, $user->email, $user->phone, $procedure['id']);

    // to determine the last page of your file
    $lastPageNumber = $this->getNumPagesInPDF($document->url);

    $reason = "Signed by " . $user->firstname . " " . $user->lastname . " (Yousign)";
    // to determine position see
    $fileObject = $client->addFileObject($file['id'], $member['id'], $position, $reason, $lastPageNumber);

    // start the signature process

Find the complete integration in source file