
Symfony Rule Engine Bundle - Parses & Evaluates Rules Written in a JavaScript-like Syntax

v1.6.2 2018-04-27 10:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 10:54:35 UTC


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This package bundles nicoSWD/php-rule-parser

Requires PHP >= 7.0

Compatible with Symfony 3 and 4!


$ composer require nicoswd/symfony-rule-engine-bundle

// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = [
    // ...
    new nicoSWD\RuleBundle\RuleBundle(),
    // ...

Usage Example


$rule = '[1, 4, 3].join(glue) === "1-4-3"';
$variables = ['glue' => '-'];

$result = $this->get('rule_parser')->isTrue($rule, $variables);
var_dump($result); // bool(true)

Custom Functions

Custom functions are automatically discovered. They just need to be configured as service with the tag nico_swd.rule.function.

If you have multiple functions inside the same directory, the easiest way to make them visible to the bundle is this:


    resource: '../../src/AppBundle/Functions'
    tags: ['nico_swd.rule.function']

Furthermore, custom functions must implement nicoSWD\Rules\Core\CallableUserFunction like in the example below


namespace AppBundle\Functions;

use nicoSWD\Rules\Core\CallableUserFunction;
use nicoSWD\Rules\Tokens\BaseToken;
use nicoSWD\Rules\Tokens\TokenArray;

class ArrayFilter implements CallableUserFunction
     * @param BaseToken $param
     * @param BaseToken $param ...
     * @return BaseToken
    public function call($param = null)
        // Make sure this functions only works on arrays
        if (!$param instanceof TokenArray) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException();

        return new TokenArray(

    public function getName(): string
        return 'array_filter';

The functions optionally retrieve instances of nicoSWD\Rules\Tokens\BaseToken as arguments, and always must return one as well.


$rule = 'array_filter([0, false, 1]) === [1]';

$result = $this->get('rule_parser')->isTrue($rule);
var_dump($result); // bool(true)