
HTML Input helpers

v1.2.6 2016-04-01 17:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:20:09 UTC


  • jquery-2.2.2.min.js
  • underscore-min.js
  • Add script(); ?> to the js section in your template or view

Use case :

Statiquement :

use Com\NickelIt\Html\Select\Option\ChildOption;
use Com\NickelIt\Html\Select\Option\ParentOption;
use Com\NickelIt\Html\Select\SelectBuilder;

* SelectBuilder::thisParent(string $select_input_id, array $options)->withChild(string $sub_select_input_id, array $sub_options)...
* ParentOption(string $id, string $title)
* ChildOption(string $direct_parent_id, string $id, string $title)
* HTML Helper :
* ->render( string $select_box_name, string $id, array $select_html_attribut = [] );
* In Your php script or your controller you access the selected values by "select_box_name". The returned value is the $id of the option.
$selectBuilder = SelectBuilder::thisParent( 'ville_production',
		new ParentOption( '10', 'Rabat' ),
		new ParentOption( '20', 'Salé' ),
		new ParentOption( '30', 'Casa' ),
)->withChild( 'site_production',
		new ChildOption( '10', '10', 'Site de Agdal' ),
		new ChildOption( '10', '20', 'Site de Rabat ville' ),
		new ChildOption( '20', '30', 'Site de Salé Tabrikt' ),
		new ChildOption( '30', '40', 'Site de Casa Port' ),
		new ChildOption( '30', '50', 'Site de Casa Sidi Momen' ),
		new ChildOption( '30', '60', 'Site de Casa Sidi Maarouf' ),
)->withChild( 'projet_production',
		new ChildOption( '10', '10', 'Projet Orange Rabat Agdal' ),
		new ChildOption( '20', '20', 'Projet Orange Rabat ville' ),
		new ChildOption( '20', '30', 'Projet Axa Assurance Rabat ville' ),
		new ChildOption( '30', '40', 'Projet Axa Assurance Salé Tabrikt' ),
		new ChildOption( '30', '50', 'Projet Axa Assurance Salé Tabrikt' ),
)->withChild( 'equipe_production',
		new ChildOption( '10', '10', 'Equipe A' ),
		new ChildOption( '10', '10', 'Equipe B' ),
		new ChildOption( '20', '10', 'Equipe C' ),
		new ChildOption( '30', '10', 'Equipe D' ),


<form action="" method="post">
	<?php $selects = $selectBuilder->iterator(); ?>
	<div style=" margin-top: 10px;">
		<label for="ville_production">Ville de production</label>

		<div><?php echo $selects->next()->render( 'codeVilleProduction', '20', [ 'class' => 'ville_production' ] ); ?></div>
	<div style="margin-left: 10px; border-left: 1px solid black; margin-top: 10px;padding-left: 5px;">
		<label for="site_production">Site de production</label>

		<div><?php echo $selects->next()->render( 'codeSiteProduction', null, [ 'class' => 'site_production' ] ); ?></div>
	<div style="margin-left: 20px; border-left: 1px solid black; margin-top: 10px;padding-left: 5px;">
		<label for="projet_production">Projet de production</label>

		<div><?php echo $selects->next()->render( 'codeProjetProduction', null, [ 'class' => 'projet_production' ] ); ?></div>
	<div style="margin-left: 30px; border-left: 1px solid black; margin-top: 10px;padding-left: 5px;">
		<label for="equipe_production">Equipe de production</label>

		<div><?php echo $selects->next()->render( 'codeEquipeProduction', null, [ 'class' => 'equipe_production' ] ); ?></div>

<script src="/html/tests/assets/js/jquery-2.2.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="/html/tests/assets/js/underscore-min.js"></script>
	<?php echo $selectBuilder->script(); ?>

From Web service

use Com\NickelIt\Html\Select\Option\ChildOption;
use Com\NickelIt\Html\Select\Option\ParentOption;
use Com\NickelIt\Html\Select\SelectBuilder;

require_once '../bootstrap.php';

$baseUrl   = "http://host:port";
$villeUrl  = $baseUrl . "/api/referentiel/villes_production";
$siteUrl   = $baseUrl . "/api/referentiel/sites_production";
$projetUrl = $baseUrl . "/api/referentiel/projets_production";

 * @param string  $url
 * @param Closure $itemsFunc take a php stdClass and should return an array
 * @param Closure $mapFunc
 * @return array
function fetchFrom( $url, $itemsFunc, $mapFunc ) {
	$json = file_get_contents( $url );
	$obj  = json_decode( $json );

	$arr = $itemsFunc( $obj );

	return array_map( $mapFunc,
		$arr );

$villesOptions = fetchFrom( $villeUrl,
	function ( $obj ) {
		return $obj->data->data;
	function ( $item ) {
		return new ParentOption( $item->code, $item->libelle );
	} );

$sitesOptions = fetchFrom( $siteUrl,
	function ( $obj ) {
		return $obj->data->data;
	function ( $item ) {
		return new ChildOption( $item->codeVille, $item->code, $item->libelle );
	} );

$projetsOptions = fetchFrom( $projetUrl,
	function ( $obj ) {
		return $obj->data->data;
	function ( $item ) {
		return new ChildOption( $item->codeSite, $item->code, $item->libelle );
	} );

// Exploitation du code
$selectBuilder = SelectBuilder::thisParent( 'ville_production', $villesOptions )
                              ->withChild( 'site_production', $sitesOptions )
                              ->withChild( 'projet_production', $projetsOptions )

<form action="" method="post">
	<?php $selects = $selectBuilder->iterator(); ?>
	<div style=" margin-top: 10px;">
		<label for="ville_production">Ville de production</label>

		<div><?php echo $selects->next()->render( 'codeVilleProduction', '20', [ 'class' => 'ville_production' ] ); ?></div>
	<div style="margin-left: 10px; border-left: 1px solid black; margin-top: 10px;padding-left: 5px;">
		<label for="site_production">Site de production</label>

		<div><?php echo $selects->next()->render( 'codeSiteProduction', null, [ 'class' => 'site_production' ] ); ?></div>
	<div style="margin-left: 20px; border-left: 1px solid black; margin-top: 10px;padding-left: 5px;">
		<label for="projet_production">Projet de production</label>

		<div><?php echo $selects->next()->render( 'codeProjetProduction', null, [ 'class' => 'projet_production' ] ); ?></div>

<script src="/html/tests/assets/js/jquery-2.2.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="/html/tests/assets/js/underscore-min.js"></script>
	<?php echo $selectBuilder->script(); ?>

header( "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate" ); // HTTP/1.1
header( "Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" );

Packagist :

To use in composer.json