A package for automaticaly minifying CSS, SCSS and Javascript for Laravel

2.3.1 2021-10-22 08:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:23:36 UTC


A simple package to minify CSS/SCSS and Javascript on the fly without the need of tools like Laravel Mix or Webpack. It combines all stylesheet files or javascript files into a single, minified file with simple but effective cachebusting with filemtime().

Version 2 is a completely new package (version 1 is archived here) using scssphp/scssphp and tedivm/jshrink. Because minify now replaces natxet/cssmin with scssphp it can now compile SASS/SCSS code too!


Begin by installing this package with composer.

composer require nickdekruijk/minify

Upgrading from 1.x

When upgrading change your projects composer.json to require nickdekruijk/minify with at least version "^2.0" and run composer update.

If you use .gitignore to ignore the old builds in js/builds and css/builds dont' forget to remove them from your .gitignore file and delete all obsolete build .css and .js files.

You may also need to change the Minify::stylesheet and Minify::javascript calls in your code/views since pathname might change depending on your configuration.

Laravel installation

Publish the config file if the defaults doesn't suite your needs:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NickDeKruijk\Minify\MinifyServiceProvider"


// app/views/hello.blade.php
        {!! Minify::stylesheet(['lightbox.css', 'fonts.css', 'styles.css']) !!}


// app/views/hello.blade.php

        {!! Minify::javascript(['lazyload.min.js', 'scripts.js']) !!}
        <!-- Or: -->
        {!! Minify::javascript(['https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vanilla-lazyload@12.4.0/dist/lazyload.min.js', 'scripts.js') !!}


See the config file at /config/minify.php