
Detects slow running tests in your PHPUnit-driven test suites.

v2.4.1 2025-02-18 17:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-18 17:28:27 UTC


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Tachycardia is a PHPUnit extension that detects and reports slow running tests and prints them right in your console. It can also optionally inline annotate the specific tests in the files during pull requests.

NOTE: Tachycardia will only detect the slow tests in your test suites but will offer no explanation as to why these identified are slow. You should use a dedicated profiler for these instead.

$ vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 10.5.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.3.1 with Xdebug 3.3.1
Configuration: /home/runner/work/tachycardia/tachycardia/phpunit.xml.dist
Random Seed:   1698146158

................................................................. 65 / 96 ( 67%)
...............................                                   96 / 96 (100%)

Nexus\PHPUnit\Tachycardia\TachycardiaExtension identified this sole slow test:
⚠  Took 1.3374s from 1.0000s limit to run Nexus\\PHPUnit\\Tachycardia\\Tests\\Renderer\\GithubRendererTest::testRendererWorksProperly

Slow tests: Time: 00:00:01.710 (2.54%)

Time: 00:58.737, Memory: 16.00 MB

OK (96 tests, 265 assertions)

Generating code coverage report in Clover XML format ... done [00:00.391]

Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done [00:01.930]


Tachycardia should only be installed as a development-time dependency to aid in running your project's test suite. You can install using Composer:

composer require --dev nexusphp/tachycardia


Tachycardia supports these parameters:

  • time-limit - Time limit in seconds to be enforced for all tests. All tests exceeding this amount will be considered as slow. Default: 1.00
  • report-count - Number of slow tests to be displayed in the console report. This is ignored on Github Actions report. Default: 10
  • precision - Degree of precision of the decimals of the test's consumed time and allotted time limit. Default: 4
  • format - The format of the renderer for the console.
  • ci-format - The format of the renderer for the CI.

Renderer formats for both the console and CI could be any of:

Format For Console? For CI? Remarks
list ✅︎ Default for console
table ✅︎
github ✅︎ ✅︎ Default for CI
gitlab ✅︎ ✅︎
teamcity ✅︎ ✅︎

To use the extension with its default configuration options, you can simply add the following into your phpunit.xml.dist or phpunit.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit xmlns:xsi=""

    <!-- Your other phpunit configurations here -->

        <bootstrap class="Nexus\PHPUnit\Tachycardia\TachycardiaExtension" />

Now, run vendor/bin/phpunit. If there are test cases where the time consumed exceeds the configured time limits, these will be displayed in the console after all tests have completed.

If you wish to customize one or more of the available options, you can just change the entry in your phpunit.xml.dist or phpunit.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit xmlns:xsi=""

    <!-- Your other phpunit configurations here -->

        <bootstrap class="Nexus\PHPUnit\Tachycardia\TachycardiaExtension">
            <parameter name="time-limit" value="2.00" />
            <parameter name="report-count" value="30" />
            <parameter name="precision" value="2" />
            <parameter name="format" value="table" />
            <parameter name="ci-format" value="github" />



Upgrading from v1.x to v2.x? See the UPGRADING Guide.


Contributions are very much welcome. If you see an improvement or bug fix, open a PR now!

Read more on the Contributing to Nexus Tachycardia.


Tachycardia was inspired from johnkary/phpunit-speedtrap, but injected with anabolic steroids.

Tachycardia is actually a medical term referring to a heart rate that exceeds the normal resting rate in general of over 100 beats per minute.


This library is licensed under the MIT License.