
Zend Framework 2 Content Management System Auth Module, can be run independent of zcms

dev-master 2014-04-01 14:55 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 17:23:05 UTC


Build Status Latest Stable Version Coverage Status

PSR-2 Certified with build pass


The module now functional but needs a lot of work and unit tests. Getting the module working on your own may take quite a lot of work as I haven't had time to add proper documentation on how to configure the module yet. I'm working on completing the documentation once the vision of the module is more or less implemented in the code.

Please note the 100% coverage indicator is currently not accurate as it only has one test file with 100% coverage :)


IdAuth is designed to be a multi provider identity and authentication system. Where as most modules that are currently available only allow single authentication systems the aim is to provide, access to many different authentication systems including Facebook / Github etc as additional providers.


To install this module you can use composer with the following command:

    php composer.phar require nitecon/idauth:dev-master

Please note that this module REQUIRES doctrine to work, and also provides fixtures to import the initial user account into your database. Steps to enable this module include the following:

  1. Install the module as per composer line above
  2. Add the following modules to your application.config.php
    return array(
    'modules' => array(
    // ... Rest of your modules
  1. Configure your doctrine connection driver like (Generally in config/autoload/global.php but please make sure never to store your passwords in the global file, they should be stored in config/autoload/global.php instead:
    return array(
    'doctrine' => array(
        'connection' => array(
            // default connection name
            'orm_default' => array(
                'driverClass' => 'Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOMySql\Driver',
                'params' => array(
                    'host' => 'localhost',
                    'port' => '3306',
                    'user' => 'testuser',
                    'password' => 'testpass',
                    'dbname' => 'testdatabase',
    // More of your global configurations
  1. Copy the configuration file to your autoload directory with:
    cp ./vendor/nitecon/idauth/config/ config/autoload/

Feel free to edit the file with additional changes. 5. Install the database with the following command from your project root:

    ./vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:create

With fixtures module active it should install the admin user to your database at this point. If you do not see the admin user listed in the database then you may need to run the importer manually with:

    ./vendor/bin/doctrine-module data-fixture:import

At this point you should be installed and ready to go. You can already attempt a log in with the default admin user admin and password Tru5tme

To log into the application point your browser to /user/login

Objectives of this module

  1. Provide User Authentication with multiple providers at the same time
  2. Provide multiple independent identity providers active at the same time
  3. Allow plugin based authentication (eg: Facebook) - Only takes 2 classes currently to create a plugin
  4. Native LDAP provider plugin for identity & authorization
  5. Native Zend TableAdapter provider plugin for identity & authorization
  6. Native Doctrine provider plugin for identity & authorization
  7. Role based authentication readily available by adding on ZfcRbac
  8. Collector module to show specific details on current user including currently signed in provider
  9. Allow password reset independently of each provider
  10. Allow updates to identity's on providers in an independent nature.
  11. Add dedicated storage for all providers (Default: Zend\Authentication\Storage\Session)
  12. Fall through authentication between all providers until a valid authentication attempt is found.
  13. Direct access to authentication provider by specifying the provider.
  14. Native roles array to allow for easy expansion to ZfcRbac
  15. Native Authentication Service that can be added communicated with directly and added to ZfcRbac.