
Zettle by PayPal API PHP Client

1.0.2 2023-03-01 11:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:39:41 UTC


The Zettle by PayPal API provides a simple integration of the Zettle by PayPal API for your PHP project.

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With composer, add:

$ composer require laulamanapps/izettle-api

Run Tests

To make sure everyting works you can run tests:

$ composer test


Get yourself an access token. you'll need an clientId and clientSecret for this (to get one apply here) for performance benefits, it might be wise to store the access token in a cache like Redis.

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use LauLamanApps\IzettleApi\GuzzleIzettleClient;
use LauLamanApps\IzettleApi\IzettleClientFactory;

$izettleClient = new GuzzleIzettleClient(new Client(), 'clientId', 'clientSecret');
$accessToken = $izettleClient->getAccessTokenFromUserLogin('', 'password');

//-- store $accessToken in cache

$productClient = IzettleClientFactory::getProductClient($iZettleClient);
$library = $productClient->getLibrary();

Make call with existing AccessToken

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use LauLamanApps\IzettleApi\GuzzleIzettleClient;
use LauLamanApps\IzettleApi\IzettleClientFactory;

$accessToken = ...; //-- Get from cache

$izettleClient = new GuzzleIzettleClient(new Client(), 'clientId', 'clientSecret');

$purchaseClient = IzettleClientFactory::getPurchaseClient($iZettleClient);
$library = $purchaseClient->getPurchaseHistory();


From v0.9 to v1.0

Version 1.0 requires PHP 8.1 and uses first-class Enums. This is a breaking change.

If you're using the enums, make sure you replace calls to get with an instance reference:

-if ($payout->getPeriodicity() === Periodicity::get(Periodicity::DAILY)) {
+if ($payout->getPeriodicity() === Periodicity::DAILY) {


iZettle Api has been developed by LauLaman.