
Customizable router factory

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v2.0.2 2019-09-17 12:52 UTC

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Last update: 2023-06-17 21:07:42 UTC


🔧 Customizable router factory

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Premade router factory with some basic module configuration.


How to use

  • Register \Nepttune\RouterFactory as service in cofiguration file. Dont forget to inject neon parameters.
  • Create router by calling @routerFactory::createRouter method.
  • You can configure factory to create subdomain or standard router
    • Subdomain router uses following pattern //<module>.%domain%/[<locale>/]<presenter>/<action>[/<id>].
    • Standard router uses following pattern /[<locale>/]<module>/<presenter>/<action>[/<id>].
    • Standard router also craetes route without <module> section and in this case uses configured default module.
  • Locale parameter is validated against [a-z]{2} pattern.
  • Id parameter is validated agains \d+ pattern - or hashed to string if hashids is set to true.

Example configuration

        class: Nepttune\RouterFactory
            - %router%
    router: @routerFactory::createRouter
        subdomain: false
        apimodule: true
        defaultModule: 'Www'
        hashids: true
        hashidsSalt: 'x7royUaK0g'
            admin: Admin

Configuration Options

  • hashids (bool) - whether router should ise Hashids to hide real id parameters
  • hashidsSalt (string) - salt passed to hashids, make your hashes unique across multiple applications
  • hashidsCharset (string) - charset passed to hashids, set of possible characters
  • hashidsPadding (int) - padding passed to hashids, min length of hashes
  • subdomain (bool) - whether router should make subdomain router

Following options apply only for standard router - when subdomain option is false.

  • defaultModule (string) - name of default module, when none is provided in url
  • apimodule (bool) - whether router should create simple api route without parameters - /api/<presenter>/<action>
  • modules (associative array) - list of routes to create - eg. admin: Admin to create admin route in addition to generic route